#introduceyourself Emerald Flame: A Girl from the Emerald Isle sharing my insights as I navigate my own awakening and this forever changing multi-dimensional landscape


Hey my fellow Steemians

I’m Niamh (that’s Neve- its gaelic! I know one of those funny spellings eh? How the heck do you get a ‘v’ sound from an ‘mh’?? well in Ireland you do!!) On Steemit I am aka @emeraldflame.

A girl from the Emerald Isle (Ireland)..

My Mission? To live and be human and embody truth of who we are. period
(There was once a time where I was distracted with an outward mission, a deeply embedded belief/program that I had to “save the world” until I burst that bubble too and discovered life is about living and embodying our truth, embodying love, embodying our multi-dimensional in the now and that is the most powerful thing we can do- the rest takes care of itself)

My Expression? (Ok so when you strip yourself of the “need” to be somebody or the “belief” that you have to do something because…x,y,z, or when you are no longer doing something for outward appreciation or to fulfil some ego tendencies - all that is left is your expression to the world) Your expression is what you give to others without expectation, it is what illuminates you, it is what ignites your fire within, it is your gift to the world. Now that is where we need to operate from.) So my expression to the world is my voice, my sharings, my insights and the knowledge I acquire as I navigate through my own awakening process and journey of being human. My expression is to share the tools that I learn as I navigate this journey back home to my heart and being human.

Before getting to this place in my life, I called myself “An International Speaker”, “An Intuitive Mentor” and “Thoughtleader” (Nothing wrong with that of course) but then I began to see through the illusion of all of it. I began to see how it was limiting me from truely creating impact in my own life and in others, it was an illusion to keep me distracted from what was real, it was keeping me from just being my own expression. It was keeping me in a place where I was still operating from ego, I still wanted to be “seen” “acknowledged” by the outside world to be “the teacher”, the “coach” the one who had all the answers. I was still seeking external approval and appreciation - it was a trap to keep me seeking externally driven by a deep program that others needed saving. You see what I learned is that the only form of impact we can create is by shifting our style of leadership- by severing all ties and chords we have to old programs, stories, beliefs and illusions and who we “think” we should be and start embodying a new style of leadership which stems from within. Expressing ourselves freely (on platforms like this) and embodying what we want to see in the world intentionally everyday. Every moment, every thought, every emotion, every action we can intentionally change our own world and in turn embody what is possible for others.

Ok so I know some of you may be thinking this is all the “fluffy stuff”, and to some it may be, but to others you will feel what I am sharing. And no, I wont be boring you with all the “spiritual tourism” and “new-agey” stuff, we are all too awake for all of that! I will be creating a space for open conversations, hard yet honest truths, questioning everything-yes everything, sharing my own insights and discernments (you don't have to agree) , tools, resources and basically just bringing you on a journey as I learn how to embody being human.

Now I am no expert, i’m not “enlightened” and I don't claim to be. I don't channel information from other deities or arch angels. I am just a girl sharing my own insights through my own limited awareness and empowering you with the tools (to try on) which may (or may not -you decide) support you to navigate your own journey.

I do challenge a lot of the cultural and spiritual beliefs and I know I am certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, so I invite you to follow if what I share resonates and if not that is totally cool too:) But what I am hoping for is to finally connect with others who are on same page!

So what can you expect on my blog?
Quite honestly - I don't know! I will be sharing what I am learning as I am learning it! How I live my life and the F**K ups along the way! You can expect to see articles, blogs and videos that will cover an array of topics that I will share from my own perspective and powerful tools (that I never before shared with the public) that have supported me in mastering my own energy and empowerment in this forever changing multidimensional landscape.


I will be sharing ALL my content here on Steemit and you guys will be the first access any new posts/blogs. I may from time to time choose (if it feels right) to share to my social media networks and or my website but I intend for Steemit to be the main hub and space where I share my content (so be sure to follow me here)

Come and say hi, I would love to connect with you, share your blogs below so that I can follow you back and I am excited for the opportunity for once and for all to share what is hot on my heart with no limitations or restraints and to connect with other savvy like-minded folk.

Big Hugs,


(AKA The Emerald Flame!)

PS Here is my Steemit Pic

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