Bonjour! What's cracking? I would like to apologize for the long and boring introduction of my introductory post. Now let me get this straight! But before anything else, I would like to thank steemit for giving me the opportunity to become part of this wonderful community and for giving me the opportunity to share my post and to explore other people's posts as well. I would also like to express my gratitude to you, yes you, dear reader! Thank you for stopping by here!

So, hello once again! I am Irah Jaim, often called as bing or bing-bing. I've been living in the country entitled as the Pearl of the Orient Seas! Basically, the poem I've just written speaks about my self and my personality. I was born on the 22nd of February and my mother told me I looked skinny and fragile the moment she gave birth and literally, I was a crying baby!

Growing up, I used to be this shy-type girl who barely gives responses to strangers. Sometimes, I would get that tiring and sickening feeling trying to interact and socialize with other people in fact, I even labelled myself as an introvert and sometimes an extrovert (only whenever I get too hyped at certain circumstances) so definitely, that labels me now as an ambivert. There are those times when I've faced too much of literally everything and the only thing that gives me the best comfort is my room. In my room, I can be myself. I can look ugly, stay natural and do things at my own pace. I've surrounded myself long with books, music, strings of guitar, notebooks, paint, pens and food. I don't even mind isolating myself all day long in my room just to re-watch and finish the whole four seasons of the TV show Victorious (weird).

However the queen of felines said unto me, "You must go to the world and explore its wonders!" and she pushed me away from my habitat! Enough to drag me off to a place of realization! The queen of felines then told me to be the best that I can be.
Nope! She meant that I should be the best that I can be - I should be myself even from the outside!

Having been a bookworm slash bibliophile, I have also started writing my own stories. Long ago, writing diaries or journals is a way to relieve my stress and I tried writing my own wattpad story too, but unfortunately I realized soon enough that it was just plain insipid and cliché. Apart from that, music and singing have always been fun and fascinating to me, albeit the mediocrity seems inevitable. The love of art and photography also remained in my heart in spite of being mediocre at it too - again.
Anyway, I think that pretty sums up everything but you're probably asking how and why I ended up here at steemit. This was all because of my brother @chuuuckie who introduced to me this brand new stupendous way of sharing thoughts and positivity through blogs, vlogs and whatnot. Here are some of the things that you can expect from my blog:
- write-ups (non-fic, fic, poetry, reviews, random)
- random art
- photographs
- music
- vlogs (soon, I guess?)
So, I guess that's it for my introductory blog! I hope you did enjoy reading! Thank you so much! I hope you'll have a fabulous day!