My Creative Life Journey - or how I became a painting nerd

Dear Steemians, I would like to say hello, provide you an insight into my creative life and also share more of my artwork here with you in my introduction article.

It probably starts with the question, who am I?
To introduce myself and attempt to pigeonhole myself, leads me directly to the essential questions of life: Who am I? What do I want? Where do I belong?


In the quest to know who and what I am, who I would like to be, what is really important, why the world is the way it is, what my place is in it and how this all plays together - I've discovered art for myself.
In my childhood there was nothing better after school than tossing my schoolbag in the corner and starting on the really important things in life: painting, drawing, handicraft.

In the meantime I’ve completed a full time training in sculpting and occupied myself with learning the techniques of oil painting, to have better options to express myself artistically.

Work in progress

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I’ve also had the opportunity to exhibit on many different occasions and share my
“picture-thoughts” with the world.
Last year I was invited by the Société des Artistes Français to take part in their annual exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris. It was a huge honour and a wonderful experience for me!

"Art Capital 2017", Grand Palais, Paris


The language of pictures has a tremendous expressiveness for me. Pictures have the magic to bring complex topics or deep feelings straight to the point. For example, you can endlessly philosophise about how tragic it is that elephants get killed only for their ivory, but once you see a photo it becomes much more real.
When you look at a picture of a child who is really happy just because of a red balloon, you smile, you understand, you know.

' TIME ' / oil on canvas / 30 x 40 cm


My paintings and sculptures are an expression of my subjective view of this world.
I focus on topics which engage or touch me.

' Rückbesinnung ' ("hearken back to") / oil on canvas / 50 x 80 cm


It interests me to attempt to depict a situation or a feeling in a way that you immediately understand what it’s about.

' To Find Their Own Way ' / limewood / 9 x 9 x 135 cm

Kathrina Sofie.jpg

' Internally Enslaved ' / oil on canvas / 50 x 70 cm

1 kl Ö auf L, 2018, 50 x 70.jpg

I’ve met so many wonderful people at previous exhibitions. The exchange of thoughts based on a painting can be remarkable. You often discover that others have experienced the same or that you are sharing the same point of view. On the other hand, a painting can lead to controversial discussions which make you curious as to what your counterpart is thinking.

' Bio -Mechanic II ' / oil on canvas / 40 x 50 cm

Biomechanik Kathrina Sofie.JPG

Here on Steemit I would like to invite you to join me on my creative journey in this life.
I would like to share my world with you and let you get inspired, to help quicken your thinking or bring a smile to your face.

I’m looking forward to our time together!

I hope you've enjoyed my article.
Have a nice day and if you would like to leave me a comment, I'd be very happy to hear from you.

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