Let's be honest, pen tablets can be pretty expensive. And as a student, I could only dream about it. On one specific day, our internet got cut off (my mom forgot to pay the bills). I had nothing to do; and so, my love for digital drawing began.
I opened MS paint out of boredom and with a mouse and the little curvey tool, I started to make eyes (I always start with the eyes hehe).

Then I learned to draw the hair using the same tool, and eventually, the whole body. Then with the fill tool, I colored them nicely.
In my drawing folder, I label them in the order when I drew them (quite glad I did). And here, I proudly present 01, 02, and 04 (I'm not sure where 03 went hehe)

Sure, they look a bit different but I've learned along the way that you must be proud of your works, no matter how silly it may seem. I mean, it's your work. If no one else would be proud with it, who else will but yourself, the one who made it?
My family was pretty much amazed on what I can do on paint. They often see me do it and the process how I did it. Christmas was just around the corner and I knew exactly what I want for Christmas, a pen tablet. On the 25th of December last 2015, I received a pretty big box as a present. I didn't think they'd actually buy me one since I'm a bit untidy with my stuff, but there it was!
It's no wacom, and to be honest, I don't know its brand until now but it's reaaally good. I loved it so much that until now, I kept it in its box when not in use. So much for the untidy me hehe I didn't know much about it. I tried googling every word that's on the box that may give some clue on what my pen tablet is but I got little information about it. There was even this one time when I thought I had broken the pen holder only to find out that the pen holder also holds about a dozen pen nibs!
This was my first drawing with the pen tablet:

I was still unfamiliar with Photoshop and didn't realize I was working on a very small canvass.
I watched a lot of tutorials on Youtube about digital drawing, a lot of speed painting too. I learned from a good friend how to color nicely. I learned from school the basic tools in Photoshop. I continued learning and even now, I'm still learning. Specially now that I'm in steemit, I get to see how professionals work.
Being acquainted with a lot of talented people here in steemit was, by far, my greatest advance. For less than a month, I've had a lot of 'first times'. I've never participated in any drawing contest before, never in my life until steemit. It was very, very thrilling! And I even won some of it! I guess my point is, no one was born an artist. It's a skill that is honed everytime you try something different.
Here are my more recent works, drawn with a pen tablet and on Photoshop :)




Well, I haven't posted this one yet haha But it's one of my greatest work and I thought I'd show you guys a little teaser :>
Funny thing about this one is that I made the same mistake I did on my first drawing on Photoshop. The canvass was a little too tiny and by the time I noticed it, it was already too late.
That's about it! My drawing journey
I wish to have more amazing experiences; and for that to happen, I won't stop drawing :)

We also have a discord channel and we'd be more than glad if you dropped by: https://discord.gg/C9PsHV6
Thank You!
I hope you guys enjoyed this one as well!
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