FINALLY on Steemit After Working With the STEEM Park Team! Hello Everyone! Buongiorno tutti, 반갑습니다!

Hello Steemit!

It is great to finally join Steemit. I am an ever-learning landscape architect and a design enthusiast, not much involved in the tech world but feeling savvy already to be a part of the ever-growing crypto community.

How I was introduced to Steemit: The Story behind Steem Park Project

Currently I am working with Herbert Von King Park in Brooklyn NY for their public programs development. I was seamlessly introduced to Steemit while working with the @hitheryon guys for the Steem Park project.

The Herbert Von King Park team had started a park restoration project this year to manage the landscape and public engagement programs. I was getting design consultation from @hansikhouse and @voronoi to share our institution’s vision and this eventually led us to a partnership in launching our first architectural installation project. By funding with crypto, what @hitheryon proved the possibly of intervening the traditional funding structure for public projects.

steempark before.jpg

  • Before Steem Park....



I have never imaged managing a public project with the support of online blogging community. For some reason the words ‘public and project’ vaguely associate with the government’s budget. @Hansikhouse and @voroni persuaded me that I should start Steemit to continue this non-orthodox design practice utilizing crypto for public projects.

With Steemit, I am going to further explore a way to use crowd funding to re-allocate resource projections for public projects. Steem Park is going to be the test ground for this.

About Me and My Work

For the past 10+ years, I have been living all over the east coast (Baltimore-DC-Boston-NYC) going to school, working and teaching in the field of landscape architecture. I have been working with private and public institutions for design projects from a vacant lot garden design project to city master plans in DC, Baltimore, Boston, Seoul and Monteverde, Costa Rica.



  • Landscape as Laboratory Evergreen Garden & Museum, Johns Hopkins University 2012 <Credit: Anna Angeles>


  • Andy Cao's Cloud Terrace, Dumbarton Oaks Garden, Washington DC 2012 <Source: Dumbarton Oaks Garden>

I am originally from Seoul, South Korea and came to the US to go to college and study landscape architecture / urban design. The urban design field is still a relatively new concept in South Korea, where bureaucrats have traditionally been practicing design themselves with contractors instead of bringing in focused professionals and doing work with the public. Landscape architecture also has been considered as more of a horticultural realm of practice, not associated much with architecture. I want to change this and ultimately this decision brought through both undergraduate and graduate school in the US.


  • Graduate School Days...

Professionally, I started my cultural development office Base 15 Studio to focus on creative growth projects in South Korea. For my last project I worked as a visiting scholar for the UNESCO Creative City department of Icheon City for their cultural heritage city planning project.

Looking Forward

You can use Steemit not only for a social purpose but to get the community on board for discussing a specific topic. I see the platform as a creative outlet that allows different scales of knowledge exchange.

My goal is scale up projects like SteemPark to affect government related developments and really get global communities involved in public projects. I haven’t yet seen a landscape architect on the site yet so hopefully I can provide some interesting and helpful insights!

I’m super excited to join Steemit finally today and pursue my ambitions with the community! Thank you!


  • Teaching Landscape Architecture 101, Villa D'este, Italy 2015

Buongiorno tutti

Avendenutti a Mintvilla. Sono un coreana, una architetto paesaggista. Io vivo a Città Nuevo York. Sto imparando italiano perche io viaggio Italia per insegnare studenti americani a Roma e Sorrento. Io voglio incontrare ragazzi italiani qui a Steemit. Grazie mille!


디자인 하고 사는 조경 건축가입니다. 설계업무와 미국 동부의 공립/사립 기관들의 아웃도어 큐레이션 프로젝트 일을 해왔습니다. 현재는 뉴욕 Herbert Von King Park의 아트, 팝업 건축 큐레이션 프로그램 개발을 하고 있습니다. @hitheryon의 스팀공원 프로젝트를 함께 기획하며 자연스레 (스팀 열정 유저인 저의 0촌의 설득과 영향으로 ㅎㅎ) 가입했습니다. 반갑습니다!


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