I'm Shy Person, Please Say 'Hi'


Hello, Steemians...

Introduce me, I'm Yogi Permana. I'm ...years old due to date of this posting. I heard about steemit couple weeks ago from my best friend @anomt. At first I did not pay much attention of it. I also do blogging on other platform, so I thought it would be too busy for me to handle another one. But then, after many provoking attempt from him and some googling-around about this so called blockchain-socmed things, I decided to sign-up on May 3rd, 2018 and got approved just few days ago.

I was born in Kebumen, a district in the Central-Java Province in the southern-part of Indonesia. I'm the second of three siblings. Kebumen is a pretty vast district that ranging from hills to enchanting coastlines.

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I admit, mostly I was kind of introvert. A shy one. But step-by-step, I have and still try to get somekind of balance. I pushed myself by joining social-activities, travelling a lot and many kind activities that need interaction among people. Gradually, I feel like I can control my shyness, and furthermore develop some hobbies that enrich my life as well.

So here we go, I'm here in hopes of making new friends, explore many world views and varied human interests.

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I'm not into 9-5 jobs. The desire to to fight this shy-introvert part of mine has brought me to do more travelling. Thou still exploring Central-java and Yogyakarta, I have some vision to visit many parts of Indonesia and hopefully, the world.

The excitment of capturing some moments and stories along had made me start to love photography and blogging. This last two activities has broaden my interest in the field of graphic-design, videography and art (mainly drawing). It's enriching my ways of telling stories, share my experiences in varied formats.

So I'm not gonna limit my self in paragraphs of words here on steemit. Cool to have dtube, steepshots, and many different form build on it. May it will not go on day-to-day basis on first months, but gradually I'll try to be as intensive as I can. "Continues Improvement" is my life motto.

Well, that's all I've got to say in this first brief introduction. Thanks for reading my first article here and please say me 'hi' so I forget more that i was a shy-person.


See you on next post, Steemians!

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