Hello Steemians, I'm a web developer guy from Wyoming, Australia but I will be mainly posting about worms, black soldier flies (BSF) farming and related subjects.

Did you know there is a Wyoming in Australia? Now you do. Wyoming is a suburb of NSW located the better known Gosford. It is part of The Central Coast and is at about 76km north of the Sydney CBD.


My name is Huy, it is the short for Quoc-Huy (which means the emblem of the country in Vietnamese). Before we start digging into the main introduction, here are a little bit more information about myself:

  • I'm almost 40 years old now (geez, time goes by...)
  • I'm Vietnamese of origins, born in Lao, French citizen and currently live in Australia.
  • I have lived in: Vientiane - Lao, Noumea - New Caledonia, Montpellier - France, London - UK, Wyoming - Australia
  • I'm married with a 6 year old boy
  • --I work as a Senior Web Developer in Artarmon--
  • I speak French, English and Vietnamese

Steemit here I come

I've been introduced to Steemit by my friend Larry J. Shier who is one of the prominent members of the online worm farming community and author of various eBook on the subject. Steemit grabbed my attention for being related to cryptocurrencies. I've never been really into crypto and almost ignored all the Bitcoin stuffs but Steemit got my interest as the mining process is different, I didn't even know this could be possible. Discovering Steemit also lead me to discover other cryptocurrencies with interesting mining processes such as Storj Tokens, SIA Coins etc... I'm still a total newbie and anything I write about cryptocurrencies, at this stage, would be full of mistakes and assumptions... lol. The second thing about Steemit that got me joining is that it is a content publishing platform, I'm already posting worm & BSF farming and gardening on various social platforms (see section below) such as Facebook and, like many, I've found it very restrictive and feel like I'm creating valuable content for an other company to take advantage of. It's time my work benefits me and of course you, my readers.

A tech guy doing vermicomposting

You must be asking why a tech guy is mainly discussing about worm farming, BSF farming and gardening? I've been with computer since the age of 13 and started working for the web industry since 1997 while still at Uni. However, along with overnight coding sessions with mates, I've always had a side activity/passion and it seems to change every time I move to another country. So in France I was into singing, joining the Gospel University Choir of Montpellier and singing in a small Vietnamese wedding band. Then in the UK, I lost connection with the musical world but got introduced to photography. Now in Australia, it is back to Nature with the worms, the BSF and my backyard. I got my first worm farm almost 4 years go when we bought our house, here in Wyoming NSW. I just fell in love with the worms after doing some research about how to maintain a worm bin correctly and discovering that there is a whole world behind this and that world is linked to many others (biology, microbiology (soil food web), chemistry, wood working etc...). I just find this fascinating, that I ended up reading a lot about it and started to participate in online communities helping others where ever possible, regardless of my or their levels. Teaching is also a way of learning. I'm known as The Little Worm Farmer and my little operation is The Little Worm Farm. I chose that name because my worm farming is very humble in a little backyard and to remind me that there is always place for learning more. I started with a single Worm Cafe and at some points have had about 9 of them along with couple of homemade larger wooden systems. I've replaced all the plastic commercial worm bins with three homemade wooden system, one of which is a Continuous Flow Through system named Gargantua and two commercial system made of fabric, the Worm Swag. I have become moderstor/admin of several vermicomposting groups on Facebook that I joined few years ago.

Over a year ago, I started to work with Black Soldier Flies. They are big black flies that look like wasps that don't eat, don't sting and are not vector of any pathogens or disease but the most interesting part is they lay a lot of eggs that will hatch into tiny larvae (2mm) that will eat a lot and love your kitchen waste (almost all of it) and will grow into up to 2.7cm in a time that can be as short as two weeks. Those who do vermicomposting will understand why it is amazing to be able to feed 2kg of food waste per day, yes day, to a BSF bin of the size of a worm bin.

I will keep more crispy information for future posts as this introduction is starting to get lengthy. Lets finish with some more details about me

What I will blog about

  • worm farming
  • black soldier fly (Hermetia Illucens) farming
  • gardening and general composting
  • kombucha, kefir and maybe other healthy drinks and food you can make at home
  • various subjects I find interesting and want to share with you and start discussions

My other hobbies

  • Fishing and Kayak Fishing. I used to blog about it, but worm farming has taken a lot of my free time away from it.
  • Music: Karaoke and Ukulele. It's been a while since I've practiced so I'm now a bit rusty
  • Gardening. I'm still learning a lot about this.

My past and present social accounts

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I've posted about this introduction article on my Facebook page:

Thank you!

Thanks for reading all down to here and for commenting! I'm looking forward to interacting with you and if you have any questions on worms or black soldier fly larvae, don't hesitate to contact me.

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