What The Hell is Steem it and can I Actually add Value to it?

So before you continue reading please note this is not one of those posts from an existing user telling you all about what to do to make it on  Steemit that title is a legitimate question I am asking myself as I write this.

Seriously what the hell is Steemit?

So I have done my Googling, my steemit searches typed in the inevitable "Is Steemit a scam?" read all the posts with claims about the Devs and friends having all the power and money and essentially having the power to decide whats makes the light of day. 

SO WHAT am I really going to be upset that someone wants to gather the fruits of their labour? I mean this site and its processes didn't spring full born from the loins of the interwebs and if the Devs get the the lions share then good that's how it should be hell  that's how I would make a system if I could create the tools rather than just use them. 


  • Devs/power users build system of weighted democratic incentivised content creation
  • Creators get paid
  • Devs/power users incentivised  to put weight behind quality posts and grow traffic.
  • More traffic = more opportunity for quality creators to get paid.
  • and Facebook don't pay shit

I think that's what the hell Steemit is. (I think. Maybe?)

Can I Add Value To It? (and maybe get value from it?)

So on to the #introduceyourself for the record that is literally the first time I have ever used #

Who am I?

  1. I'm the proud  husband to and amazing wife that is a health advocate blogger.
  2. We hit the gym 4-6 times a week.
  3. I look like Kenny G and Weird Al had a child.
  4. See I told you.
  5. With 11 years experience in the pawnbroking industry (but the best I can give you is 5)
  6. Gaming geek with a nice rig.
  7. Once managed to con someone into hiring me as lead artist on a PS2 Title (never made the light of day)
  8. Wish I could be a writer but as you can tell my Grandma, speeLling, and lack of real insight might hold me back.
  9. Love words, yeah I know it feel like I am repeating myself from the last line but I'm talking more etymology.
  10. I wanted to be an animator, photographer, games developer, geologist, entomologist(bugs), painter, tee shirt maker, crypto millionaire.
  11. I am easily distracted.
  12. And I come from the Land Down Under other wise known as the land of nopes

All that and I have know idea what I'm going to wright about.

I can't be a health advocate that's my wifes domain, I can't write you a fitness plan because I exercise to drink, I can't tell you how to be an artist because I sucked at that job, can't write about games because I'm to busy playing them.

I don't know some one give me and idea.

Peace Trout

Thats Me thanks @gogogadgetupvote for the reminder.

Kind Regards



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