I am Johancy, human being, daughter, sister of three, friend, and Venezuelan citizen; grateful, dissatisfied, libertarian and apprentice, student of coaching and learning english. Owner of my destiny and in the daily struggle to be the captain of my soul. Engineer by profession and entrepreneur by vocation.

Lover of life, sports, reading and of course the good laughs, because life is too short to spend it in the wrong mood.

I like to look at the eyes, I care more about the essence than the form, I deal more with the lyrics than with the music and although a good title may have my attention, it is the content of the book that will catch me. I fall in love with coherence, justice and the teachable heart and when I find sincerity in a soul to learn from, I immediately say: “I belong here”.
I am of the authentic souls, the souls that smile, that respect, that build and that add value to their step; I am of the people who are themselves above the social patterns without harming anybody, the people who prefers to be, before doing and then having.

I am greatly irritated by injustice, wherever it come from, I am a faithful believer in the law of sowing and harvesting or of karma as some call it.
1) - FAITH AND LIFE PURPOSE. I love God and my reference of life is Jesus Christ; I believe in love, in the family; I believe in the power of communication, in the multiplication of knowledge and in the capacity of human beings to help each other; building the society they want, making our passage on this planet not in vain, causing future generations to be grateful for the seeds we plant today.
I am a rebel with a cause and my cause is "The freedom", that of the soul and that of the spirit; personal freedom; that where each one owns their time, their money and their emotions; in short, where each one is capable of making responsible decisions based on their well-being and what makes them happy and not because it is fashionable or because someone else imposes it.

I believe in the power of the human being to transform himself and I believe in me as the one responsible for designing and building the life I want; I believe in the unlimited potential of the human mind and the self-determination of the people, which makes me continue believing in the reconstruction of Venezuela, turning it into a nation where we can look ourselves in the eyes and where we all meet again.

4) - AUTOEDUCATION. I believe in self-education as a tool for personal and social transformation, because I consider its great power to challenge any pre-established system; an education that teaches us to think and not to obey, that teaches us to question and not to act as mass produced robots, to help us discover and exploit the potential with which we are designed, one that promotes verbs humanize, live , transcend and dream, but DREAM IN BIG; YES, IN BIG; SO, IN CAPITAL LETTERS, an education that helps us to realize that we deserve to live better.
Life is God's gift to us, what we do with it is our gift to God.

Note: All the photos were taken with my Lenovo Golden Warrior in different places in Venezuela: Llanos Venezolanos, Gran Sabana, La Llovizna, Mochima, Peninsula de Araya and the Orinoco River. Enyoy it !
An education from the cradle to the grave, dissatisfied and reflective, that inspires a new way of thinking and encourages us to discover who we are in a society that loves itself more. ! Gabriel García Márquez
Johancy is adventurous, loves to travel and contact with nature; lately she is opening a little more to experience new things, new challenges and to overcome her fears, learning to release moorings and unfurl the sails to optimize the direction of the winds, discovering the monster and the child that we all carry inside, forming character and growing with each experience; learning discipline, breaking old structures, lowering her head and recognizing her imperfections when it is necessary.

I was reading a bit before making my first post and so far I have encouraged to write it. In steemit, I hope to meet cool people, learn a little bit of everything, grow as a person and add value to this community.
I'm really happy to be able to express myself in a space that promises to be much more than money, because although money is for everything, I read somewhere (and I agree) that if an activity only gives you money, it's just a poor activity, however, if you are going to pay me to do what I love, then: Steemit is CORDIALLY INVITED TO MY LIFE.
It has been a pleasure to meet you, Steemian Brother, and if you have found the previous information interesting, then I tell you: You belong to my team, come those 5 and let's make the world a better place than the one that was given to us.

I was reading a bit before making my first post and so far I have encouraged to write it. In steemit, I hope to meet cool people, learn a little bit of everything, grow as a person and add value to this community.
I'm really happy to be able to express myself in a space that promises to be much more than money, because although money is for everything, I read somewhere (and I agree) that if an activity only gives you money, it's just a poor activity, however, if you are going to pay me to do what I love, then: Steemit is CORDIALLY INVITED TO MY LIFE.
It has been a pleasure to meet you, Steemian Brother, and if you have found the previous information interesting, then I tell you: You belong to my team, come those 5 and let's make the world a better place than the one that was given to us.

Note: All the photos were taken with my Lenovo Golden Warrior in different places in Venezuela: Llanos Venezolanos, Gran Sabana, La Llovizna, Mochima, Peninsula de Araya and the Orinoco River. Enyoy it !