SPI Investments the new HIVE investment fund powered by HIVE POWER

Welcome to SPI

SPI, @spinvest has been set up to offer an investment fund for the community of HIVE. Investments are funded by extracting value out of HIVE POWER and taking advantage of HIVE's high inflation rate. The aim is not to get rich quickly; the aim is to build a safe portfolio of investments that will stand the test of time while ensuring all investors' starting capital is not at risk.

Let's meet the boss and get started


Down to business

Hello everyone, this is Mr SP Invest and I am here to explain to you my idea to create a profitable investment portfolio that is self-funded by my wallets HIVE POWER balance with no risk to investor’s capital.
Let me break it down for you. @spinvest has been set up to issue 1 million SPI tokens (shares) at the cost of 1 HIVE each. As tokens are sold all HIVE received is POWERED UP. I take all that HIVE POWER and use it to fill lease requests are vote sell to receive a daily/weekly/monthly payment rate of up to 20% per year. HIVE payments received from leasing HIVE POWER are used to buy crypto, precious metals and a range of other safer investments. I will never power down my @spinvest wallet ensuring everyone's starting HIVE investment is safe and the actual investment fund is completely risk-free as it is funded with interest payments received from leasing @spinvest 's HIVE POWER.

How interest payments be reinvested?

I am a strong believer in spreading your eggs and having a diversified portfolio of investments. This means my investment fund will include anything ranging from crypto's, precious metals, shares, premium bonds, p2p lending are even shared property buys. I am not a trader so HODL and compounding when possible is the key strategy here. I plan to have a range of investments that are on the safer side of the risk scale ensuring that there is a positive ROI year on year.

SPI token distribution and pricing

I have created the (SPI) token using hive-engine to distribute shares to investors. These tokens can be transferred between other steemit members, traded on the hive-engine exchange are returned to @spinvest for a refund. I have issued 1 million tokens from a max supply of (just in case) 5 million. I have no plans to issue any more than 1 million tokens. Each share will cost 1 HIVE until all 1 million are sold and from that time the market will dictate the price which should always be more than 1 STEEM.
(If you do not have a hive-engine account yet, please click this link where you can sign in using your HIVE account)

How to invest and start making risk-free money?

I don’t say risk-free loosely but all investor's HIVE is safely powered up. You can directly send any amount of HIVE you like to @spinvest and you will receive the same amount in SPI shares up to 2 decimals. All SPI tokens (shares) will be transferred to the investor’s hive-engine accounts within 24 hours of sale completion.

Buy directly from @spinvest

Each share until 1 million are sold will cost 1 HIVE each.

Buy from hive-engine

The reason for the 1.02 HIVE price is simply because there is a 1% fee to withdraw the HIVE off the exchange.

(Click on this link to be directly brought to the steem-engine exchange)

What do you get from me


  • I will arrange for the @spinvest account's HIVE POWER to be leased are vote sold to generate up to 20% per year
  • All HIVE received from leasing HIVE POWER will be transferred to my HIVE saving wallet until enough has built up to make an investment off platform
  • All off-platform investments will be screenshot as evidence to keep me honest should there be any dispute
  • I will produce a weekly stats post to include everything from total shares sold, updated investment values, best performing asset for that week, each shares true HIVE value and much more.
  • If you change your mind, I will buy back any amount of shares for 0.95 HIVE each until 1 million are sold. I will buy back any amount of shares after 1 million are sold for 1 HIVE each.


The FAQ's will be screen shots of peoples questions from my comments as and when people ask a good question. If you prefer to not have your question screenshot, please add at the start of the question (Not for FAQ's). I think that this is the best way to make a good FAQ's section because all the questions and answers will be genuine.


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