A friend of mine and a skilled mentor @galenkp, was game enough to open the veil into this blockchain world, like a host introducing the next act as the stage curtains draw open on the interweaved web of Steemit. It’s a bit techy, expressive and connects all sorts of people: tick, tick, tick – I’m in! Where do I start, I’m terrible at improv but I’ll give it red hot go…
Reluctantly and out of necessity, a bit about me: At some point a realisation occurred to me that this life we act out on Earth’s stage and the experiences we gain is basically a whole bunch of stuff we jam in to our ever-bulging life bag. This includes the stuff that goes in our mouths; food right, the stuff we see, the stuff we think, the stuff we wear and the stuff we choose to be around. Conclusively, I am stuffing! Sure, I’m aware of the subtleties beyond stuffing, however I think it’s important to choose your stuffing wisely, I know in the end it’s got to count for something.

Steemit is a Pandora’s Box of people sharing themselves, their ideas and their opinions across the globe; what a great privilege to be a part of this platform and one that allows us to connect and draw inspiration from each other in a raw way. That’s why I’m here; I will share with you my creative world, ideas, musings, I will ask questions and give my opinions. I believe everyone is a creative genius in their own way and if we want to uncover and nurture it, a healthy body, mind and spirit are the basic foundations.
I’m intrigued to know for those who’ve been on the platform for a while, if you were to read back through your old posts, how you’ve evolved and what you’ve learnt about yourself up until now.
From one stuffing to another, see you on the stage!