My Introduction: Athlete, Traveler, and Cryptocurrency Enthousiast excited to join Steemit!

Hello fellow Steemians! My name is Ezra Yao aka the Cryptodunker. I am a 26 year old pro athlete, traveler, cryptocurrency investor, and as of today, a Steemian!


For the last year and a half I've had the privilege to travel the world performing in dunk exhibition shows. For those of you who are not so into sports, dunking is when you jump high enough to throw the basketball down into the basket from above, rather than shooting it into basket from below. As a kid I loved dunking simply because I felt it was the closest thing to flying. And who doesn't want to fly right? At first it was just a hobby, something to do for fun, but I never expected that it would one day take me around the world.

Highlight video of some of my best dunk shows this year!

It's been an exciting journey, even if overwhelming at times. I've gotten to live out my dream I always had as a kid: traveling the world while doing what I love. Along the way, I've visited 15 countries, met people from all around the world, experienced different cultures, tried all kinds of exotic foods. A lot of people think I'm lucky or have an easy job. But it's anything but easy. The constant travel, the injuries, the setbacks. People will always see the end result, but not the long, winding road you took to get there. Traveling has been the best education for me. I feel that I've learned much more from traveling and seeing how other governments, societies, and economies function, than I've ever learned in school. And I found that my most insightful and rewarding travel learning experiences did not take place in well-known, common tourist destinations like Paris or London. But rather in the unbeaten paths, the roads less traveled. Places with poor economies, yet rich histories such as Poland, Romania or Lithuania. When you see their history and the relationship between ex-communist governments and their economies, it becomes clear why decentralization and cryptocurrencies are so desperately needed.

Epic dunk show!
Hanging out with the amazing fans after!

This inspired me to take action and as of 2 months ago, this journey has gotten even more exciting as I officially decided to take the leap of faith and invest into cryptocurrencies! I made this decision for a multitude of reasons which I will go over in more detail in my next article. However the main reason I decided to do this was not for the money or even the technology, but rather the moral idea behind decentralization. Having traveled 15 countries and used more types of fiat currency than I can count, this really gave me a new perspective on the corruption of banks/governments and the problems of centralization. I feel that it's almost criminal that something as valuable and vital to our quality of live such as our money supply is almost entirely in the hands of a few corrupt politicians, bankers and bureaucrats!

Fez, Morocco

Hanging out with a teammate in Morcco after an intense training. Beautiful country unfortunately marred with economic turmoil from their corrupt government
Brasov, Romania.
Beautiful country unfortunately marred by economic turmoil with their corrupt government


And so like many of you, I am ready to join the movement and help push cryptocurrency into mass adoption! Very excited to be a part of both the Steemit and cryptocurrency community!

Instagram: @thecryptodunker
Twitter: @thecryptodunker

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