Introducing The Greens, a not-for-profit Youth organization taking the lead in biodiversity conservation and environmental protection

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The Greens is a grassroots not for profit, non-sectarian and apolitical youth environmental, agricultural and health organization that connects, inspires and collaborates with young change-makers to build thriving, just and sustainable ways of life for all
The Greens was created and legalized in 2010 and has her headquarters in Bamenda, Cameroon (Reg.No 055/e.29/1111/VOL.8/APPB )


We envisage a green world where young people are aware of local and global environmental issues and are actively involved in in solving the planet’s most complex environmental challenges.


Connect, inspire and collaborate with young change-makers to build thriving, just and sustainable ways of life for all.
Our mission statement is “…Painting the world green”

The Greens’ objectives include;

 Environmental Education and Leadership
 Environmental Laws and Policies
 Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation
 Health
 Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (Waste Management, WaSH, etc)

The Greens’ programs have been divided into four key areas

1. Tree planting

Since 2010, The Greens have planted more than 500,000 Trees in Bambili, Big Babanki, Chomba, Mendakwe, Bali, Nkwen, Noni, etc

2. Waste Management

The Greens Waste Management Programs include Adopt A Street, Clean Up the World Weekend, Zero Litter Campaigns and Waste Business Hub. These programs are generally aimed at cleaning up, fixing up and conserving the environment as well as transforming trash to treasure.!

Waste Business Hub which is a startup incubator of The Greens is currently training for free, young people in schools and communities to exploit the business opportunities available in the domain of waste in order to alleviate poverty and curb youth unemployment, improve agriculture and biodiversity conservation, improve health and wellbeing, reduce inequalities as well as combat climate change and promote sustainable cities and communities. The EcoDesigns department of the hub is currently training 10 young girls in textile recycling and fashion designing .

3. Green Art Codes

Green art codes use art, media and sports as tools to promote environmentalism

Green Music

Green Music inspires and engages young people to sing music for the environment. The Greens has inspired 7 Green Artists and has a database of 10 environmental songs

Green Radio

Green Radio is a 1 hour weekly environmental radio program that comes up every saturday from 10:00AM - 11:00AM on Abakwa FM 99.0. For more than 4 years, The Greens have anchored more than 300 editions of Green Radio

Green Poetry

The Greens has a database of more than 50 environmental poems

Green Drama

The Greens has written 2 environmental movies (Children of the Earth and the Beginning of the End) and are currently working on the production of 10 Green Radio Drama Series and 10 Green Video Drama Series

Green Arts

The Greens inspires and educates young people to use art for conservation and currently have a database of more than 100 Environmental Art works

Sports for Conservation

This year, we are launching The Greens EcoMagazine and GreenApp

4. Trainings

The Greens have organized diverse trainings on different environmental issues and some of her trainings include Community Tree Nursery design, construction and management Training, Understanding Climate Change
Apiculture Training, Creative Leadership Training, Water Catchment Protection Training, Agribusiness for Schools Training, Kites for Climate Change, etc.

Besides her programs, The Greens is currently working on diverse projects such as;

  • Save Animals From Extinction (SAFE) in the Bamenda Highlands Forests
  • Herbal Gardens for Schools
  • Conservation Leasing Partnership (The Kedjom-keku Conservation Project)
  • EcoBillboards Project

This 2018, The Greens have set multiple goals that aim at educating, empowering and engaging young people to take environmental action. Support us to raise funds to achieve the goals of our plan of action by upvoting, commenting and resteeming all our posts. Donating steem is awesome!

The Greens 2018 Plan of Action

Support us to realize the goals of our plan of action by donating steem, upvoting, resteeming and commenting on all our posts.

1. Trainings

  • Train 30 cohorts in the production of Eco-Detergents, Herbal Oils and Herbal Soaps
  • Train 100 Youths about Climate Change
  • Train and engage 10 Schools in Waste Management (Upcycling)
  • Organize 03 Community Tree Nursery Design, Construction and Management Trainings for 03 Communities
  • Train the people of Kedjom-keku in Apiculture and install 300 bee hives
  • Train 03 Communities in Water Catchment Protection
  • Organize weekly capacity building trainings and Discovery for Volunteers at The Greens office
  • Train Youth leaders of organizations and school environmental clubs in Creative Leadership for Social Change
  • Graduate 5 Young girls in fashion designing and textile recycling

2. Green Art Codes

– Green Radio: Organize 52 editions of a 1 hour weekly environmental radio program on Abakwa FM Radio, every Saturday from 10:00 – 11:00AM. Expand Green Radio to 1 other local radio station
– Green Poetry: Actively participate in the organization and writing of Green Poems for the 12 editions of Black Swagger Poetry Slam as well as organize a Green Poetry Contest
– Green Music: Write and Record 1 Environmental Song as well as organize an Environmental Singing Contest
– Green Arts: Organize a Green Arts Contest for Youths
– Green Movies and Drama: Write and Record 10 short Green Radio Drama Series about different environmental issues as well as write and shoot 10 short videos of different environmental issues plaguing the region.
– Participate in the organization of Kedjom-Keku Environmental Arts Programs
– Organize Sports for Conservation (Conservation Champions League)
– Green Awards: Organize the maiden edition of The Green Awards in June 2018
– Green News Magazine: Produce 10 editions of Green News Magazine

3. Tree Planting

  • Establish 03 Community Tree Nurseries with 50,000 Trees
  • Plant 10000 Trees in Schools and Communities

4. Waste Management

  • Upcycle 10,000 Tires into Mushroom Tire Seats, Tire Flowerpots, Tire Chairs, Tire Mirrors,
  • Create a Tire Auditorium
  • Upcycle 5000Kg of Textile Waste
  • Recycle 1000kgs of Organic waste to Green Manure
  • Upcycle 10,000 plastic bottles
  • Clean Up the World Weekend


  • Conservation Leasing Partnership (The Kedjom-keku Conservation Project)
  • EcoBillboards Project
  • Zero Litter Campaign
  • EcoDesigns Fashion Show


  • Participate in the commemoration and celebration of all International and National Environmental Days
  • Clean Up the World Weekend


  • Establish strong partnerships with local and international organizations

Green Activities

  • Disseminate 1000 opportunities in the Green Opportunities WhatsApp Group
  • Upload 300 opportunities on The Greens Website
  • Disseminate 1000 opportunities via The Greens Social Networks
  • Disseminate 1000 Environmentally Conscious messages via The Greens Social Networks
  • Engage all volunteers to each apply for more than 5 different local and international professional development opportunities such as fellowships, scholarships, conferences, etc
  • Get 1000 online likes and followers to our social networking accounts
  • Generate strong dialogue environmental dialogue and engagement on our social networking accounts.
  • Bring at least two international volunteers to participate in our projects and programs

Visit our head office or send us a mail to;
P.O Box 5112
Opposite St Theresa School Junction
Mile 3 Nkwen – Bamenda CMR.
[email protected]

Follow us on our social networking channels below @thegreensworld
 WhatsApp: 672 81 24 24
#TheGreensWorld #PaintingTheWorldGreen @thegreensworld

Thanks for upvoting, commenting, resteeming and donating us steem! Stay Green!

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