Introduction - I'm good at writing and want to share my knowledge

Hello, inspiring Steemit community. Thanks for accepting me into your world. (18).jpg

My name is Sturla, and I'm from Norway. I'm a tech-nerd and an experienced marketing professional with a decent track record.

I want to let you into a not-so-known story that took place in the seventies:

In 1974 the copywriters of the Wall Street Journal wrote a sales letter. It became the most famous sales letter in the history of marketing.

Why? It sold 2 million subscriptions.

That's a lot.

Especially when you take into consideration that you had to post your acceptance letter in an envelope and return it by mail. (19).jpg

How did the Wall Street Journal get these results? They mastered the art of creating quality content.

How is this story relevant to you, me and our shared goal?

I have followed the debate whether the creators of Steemit has good intentions or not. Do the wales get all the money or can everyone get their fair share?

I'm jumping in to support the idea that everybody can get their share.
I firmly believe that people who create quality content sooner or later will be awarded for that. I know that if you add value to other people's lives, they pay you back.

I'm joining Steemit to prove that my hypothesis is correct. For both you and me

I'm going to prove it is by sharing my knowledge. The knowledge I sell to my clients every day in my day job. (They pay me pretty good.)

I'm going to share everything I know to help people like you, to create quality content and stand out from the crowd.

My goal is to achieve two things:

  1. I want people to understand the value of quality content.
  2. I want people to realize that they must invest time to create good content. (20).jpg

We have to work for it.

It's important to remember that Steemit is a social media channel, like every other SOME channel. It's not a magic ATM. At least not for most of us, yet.

Do you remember when Facebook was new?

People could post a status update telling their friends that they were on the toilet and received 150 likes.

Since then Facebook has matured, like every other social media platform. Today we have higher standards for what to like, upvote or share.

We have seen enough low quality stuff. Now we want the good stuff.

Your good stuff.

In my first post series, I'm going to share some easy-to-follow writing tips and techniques. I am going to prove to that by going the extra mile and making an effort, everybody on Steemit can have success.

You guys can probably teach me lots of great stuff as well! I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

By the way: Did you know that you can easily double the number of clicks to your next blog post by applying some very-easy-to-follow rules?

I'll write about them in my next article. Follow me if you want to know more.

Talk soon

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