Thanks To Steemit I Feel Better Than Ever!

Money in the world today is created out of thin air by a small elite group at the expense of everyone else.

I Stand For What Feels Best!

My name is Guillaume Cardinal.

Sane or insane we all stand for what feels best.

We sometime call it what feels right or what we know to be true.

It sometimes hurt at first or feels like a sacrifice but still...

I take a stand against centralized powers concentrating ever more power to themselves.

I take a stand against these parasitic systems leaving us with an ever smaller pie. This doesn't have to be this way.

I'm here today helping in the creation of decentralized systems of money creation and information dissemination.

Billions of Women and Men are Suffering Needlessly


While we are chasing "pennies" in hope of securing a bit of luxury or our future, some are literally starving to death while other are creating wealth out of thin air but I take a stand against these status quo.

I stand for whatever empowers individual sovereignty!

I Stand Against the Initiation of Violence

I stand in the belief that initiation of violence is not necessary to live in a well ordered society and that everyone’s life would be better off if it could be achieved. This is a belief I choose because there is insufficient evidence to prove violence is necessary. Dan Larimer (Ex-CTO of Steemit) [1]

Manipulation and initiation of violence are at the very heart of all wars. I stand against war.

*Disclaimer: The Art of War - by Sun Tzu (514–495 BC) is my favorite book.

Steem Stands For Truth!

Steem distills "truth" through consensus and the risk of loss with every act of governance Steemians are taking.

The greater the risk someone is willing to take the stronger their faith in their opinion/truth and the greater their resulting profit or loss will be.

Some things are neither true nor false, yet consensus is required and the result of that consensus has impacts on all of society. [2]

I will discuss ALL the numbers regarding Steem consensus in an upcoming article.

I use Steem to empower individuals.

Steem Gives Super Powers!

Lies empower people at the expense of those who believe in the lies. Feeling disempowered always feels wrong. No one wants less power, everyone wants more.

Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. [3]

No information should ever be taken at face value. Because wars are based on deceptions and because all countries must rely on war to secure their sovereignty, a large part of human society is based on lies.

Steem is today the best source of mass "truth", yet it doesn't guarantee truth but it guarantees there is no abuse.

Assuming all individuals can communicate and have incentive to live in the truth then truth will prevail. If there is incentive to believe a lie, then the lie will prevail.

Society can function even if everyone draws the wrong conclusion... at least there is no abuse. Dan Larimer [4]

I'm Steeming the world I want to live in, not by opposing the current one but by creating the world I want.

Ned Scott Steemit’s CEO on Steem mass adoption

"We’ll get to a point where it’s a no brainer and people are waking up to it." (source)

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!

Steem is currently use to educate people on all sorts of subjects. Steem is revolutionizing education, information dissemination, money creation and thus the world we live in. Use Steem wisely.

Provably fair systems of money creation can only be decentralized and code based thus the need for coding to occupy a preponderant place in education. I stand to make this a reality.

Thank You! Thank You!

This is the first of a series of essays explaining how Steem functions and how it's currently being used.

  • I'm #96 best paid Steem author of all-time.
  • I'm #240 on the Steem rich list.
  • I'm active daily on the platform since May 2016.
  • I follow 1000+ Steemians and watched all my news feed since it exist.
  • I read r/bitcoin, r/cryptocurrencies, r/ethereum daily.
  • I keep track of Steem's and Steemit github daily.
  • I'm currently writing "The Ultimate Steembook".
  • You can find me on the official Steem chat, and add me on Facebook and Twitter.

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Will You Stand With Me?

In the end what brings me Joy is to advance what I've discussed in this article.

Wealth is just a tool and not an end in itself. Joy is what I'm all about.

Share your priorities and make them known.

Please consider upvoting, resteeming, following and also approving my witness.


Thank you to everyone who's been reading and Steeming!

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