#conspiracychallenge - - Why U are so important - - @deliberator conspiracy challenge event


          Everyone thowght it was a joke, No one had ever thowght it wowld be real. Dateline: April 1, 2018. I mean jewst look at the date. April 1st, April fools day. the headline:

Nited States owtlawed the oose of the letter U

          The story went on to read: "Do to the increasing violence the letter U will no longer be allowed in the American Langage. There are many reason for this so inder no circemstances oose the letter. First offense will be 5 days maximem secarity prison for the protection of American citizens. Second offense will be life imprisonment on Adak island in the Alewtian Island chain.

Fast forward two years. April 3, 2020:

Elections Cancelled

          Since the enactment of the 33rd amendment to the Nited States Constitition was passed in accordance to and with all laws governing the lands at that time by the dewly elected individeweals, it has been determined by the renamed Chief Jesters of America (old term of Sapreme Cort), that the act of the passage of that amendment, was the people of America voting to give away all rights and protections beneath that storied docement. As that is the case we the twelve Jesters of America are now in fewll control.

Fast forward twenty years, April 5th, 2040:

The civil war continewes

          The High Jester has vowed to maintain control and that all resistance will be defeated. The Mainstream Media still continewes to follow lockstep with the Jesters of the land, The Repawblic Of Texas, having restored the ewesage of the letter U is no longer mentioned in the news.

June 12, 2045:

The Old Capital

            The combined forces of the the restored United States, and with the restoration of a reworked and renewed constitution, have successfully completed building the walls around Washington DC and it's greater metropolitan area, and simultaneously completed the walls around greater New York and it's outlying areas.

          The walls were built rapidly at very little cost to the new residents of Greater America as people were now calling it. By utilizing all the cargo containers in the dock, and then filling them with all the trash that the once great city accumulated, the walls were quickly erected. The walls continue to grow higher, as New York, once known as the Big Apple, has become the Big Dump of Greater America. Meanwhile the Great Swamp no longer needed draining as it too was become what it was in the past a garbage heap.

Remember it is your vote. You decide how to use it. Not using your vote could lead to the above. Yes a huge exaggeration, but look at how many laws are on the "books". Who's fault? Mostly those that do not vote.

  1. Pew Research Center - A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 - Overall voter turnout was 61.4% in 2016
  2. From CNN - Voter turnout this year dipped to nearly its lowest point in two decade

Both above items from a google Search of "election participation 2016"

Link to the conspiracy challenge event

The U gif, well I know it was not that well done, but I tried, Shaky mouse hand.
On the other hand the cool separator was made by @jogreh

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