Mistakes That Cost Time... ⏰

Firstly I just want to apologise for not posting for the past two days, I’ve been terribly sick with alcohol poisoning and had been struggling to sit upright in a chair as I’d vomit up every meal. Luckily for me I’ve learnt my lesson and I will not be partaking in any drinking activities as I’ve learnt my lesson, however I’m not so concerned about the being sick part, I’m more so damned at how much time I’ve wasted. A 4 hour night of enjoyment for 36 hours of time that I could have spent further bettering myself in comparison to lying in a bed clutching for my life and my stomach acids to stay inside of me. That cripples me because when things like this occur you’re essentially just falling behind in the race that is life. Apologies guys this posts more of an update I’m going to be productive thought today to ensure I’ve got somewhat beneficial content tomorrow.
Secondly, I just wanted to thank everyone that has subscribed to my steemit account, you guys have been ever so generous rallying half a thousand people already in just over a week! A huge thanks to that guys YOUSE ARE THE BEST! I’ll be back tomorrow better than ever, learning more everyday and am doing some stuff with fithtake so I’m keen to let you guys in on that. As always, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Wasted Time.png

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