Know the cercle of your competence

#source pixabay

I am among the people who firmly believe that when you believe continuously in yourself you can do whatever you want to do.

I don't know a lot about the Bible but I remember a word from there which states that faith can move mountains.

Yeah I firmly believe in the above statements. And it is totally different to the heading, but am going to show how I am going to relate them.

In this world everyone need an easy work but productive, am I wrong?

Knowing the cercle of your competence it just means that you know your strengths and weaknesses and only play inside the circle which is your strengths surface.

But knowing your circle of competence this doesn't limit you to jump outside of it, noo.

And this is where I am going to tell you that, as long as you believe in yourself you can do whatever.

People can do the same things with same efforts but the results are different just because in your cercle of competence you don't need much effort to get remarkable results hence with same efforts the competence will highly influence.

So you can do whatever you want that's true but you can do efficiently and easily anything that is in your circle of competence.

when you want the great results while you're playing outside the circle, the greatest efforts are needed.

To conclude do whatever you want in this life but know the circle of your competence so that you may know how much efforts to put into your work.

Thank you


By Jado



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