A Gift to my Love on December 9th, 2017

This is a story of one of my few good days the last few years. We had rid our lifes of everything and had our RV packed and ready to go. Lynn decided that we should just live in near the boys in a RV park until we were ready to decide our next move which by now you all realize was Mexico.

You see Dec 9th is my Babylooo's ( @lynncoyle1 ) birthday. We had just recently been a year without any pets or kids at home. Well on this rare good day I started to go and find a gift for her. Her and I are both Raven fans and three times I saw the same raven near me and finally sitting on Petsmart roof and sidewalk. Now ridding our lives of all the trivial seemed impossible on what to get her. The week before she said she was feeling sad with my cancer literaly killing me and needed an outlet. Well we both love animals so on this day I like to visit Petsmart and view every animal from fish to cats to snakes. All creatures are amazing to me. Well I thought what The heck, How much can a cat be to take with us everywhere.

I started talking to the staore manager who took me too the kittens and then I saw this cat, much bigger. I asked the manager whats the deal with him. his name was Mathew, stupid name for a cat I know but that was it. Anyway I found out that The cat was a stray rescued at 10 weeks old but already large so no one would adopt him. He explained that it had been two years since his arrival. I decided right then and there that the cat was coming with me. I paid all the fees and took now a nameless cat home to my love. Now let me tell you about my love, She loves to hold a cat on her shoulder and will dance around the house and sing and hug. Well his name as per Lynn is now Buddy and the two are inseperable. I feel I rescued not only him but her as she needed to love someonre or something once I am gone. You see I feel hat the cat knows the situation, will even seek her out and seems to know when my seizure is coming. He has put a damper on my once 24 hour cuddling as bedtime he seems to want to be between both of us. Btw he seems like a minuture heater and damn its hot enough here in Mexico.

The last few days have been hell literally, I am unable to eat, sleep, or talk. Well I feel content that now I know this Two year old cat will carry on for me when I am gone......

Buddy now weighs a strapping 25 pounds, Yes thats right folks 25 pounds.

Anyway I am really happy that I know she will travel the world with him and vice versa.

Happy Birthday two you both as now to us his Birthday is Dec 9th also

Here are the pics of this cat and his unbelievable poses and sleeping habits

The Raven

LIke I said they Dance Together

It took two minutes and he looked so content. He still loves to cuddle that black sweater

even working is a challenge

He loves me too

Mommy I love to cuddle

Mom look I wear your bra. Bomber to Copilot

When I wake up and leave bed two seconds

Mom stay off the computer PLEASE

Another cuddly night

Viva la Mexico

Living La Vida Loca

My Favorite Pic of my two Loves

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