All the Feels

This post is full of sappiness.

Proceed with Caution.

Turn back now if you are anti-cheese.

I recently saw a series of Steemit posts called the 25 Songs, 25 Days Music Challenge. The premise of the challenge is to post one song each day that reminds you of a particular person or time in your life. Some daily suggestions include:

· Song that made you cry
· Song that reminds you of your childhood
· Song that reminds you of an ex
· Song someone sang to you

I’m not sure I am feeling 25 days of music posts, but I love the idea of this challenge.

Music can transport you instantly to a moment. One tune might make you remember the smell of your grandmother’s cooking. Another, you are sobbing in your car thinking about a lost love. Music is a lightening rod capable of capturing all of the senses and human emotions.

Today I was in my car and heard this song by Death Cab for Cutie.

I’ll Follow You Into the Dark
Release year: 2005

I am not a huge DC4C fangirl, but I find this song hauntingly beautiful. On the one hand it is incredibly melancholy. However, it also captures the deep love of a life shared with another person.

I have been married a decent amount of time. This year will mark 16 years married and 19 years in total with my husband. Some of these years have been a struggle. No one tells you when you first decide to get married that it will be hard. The unexpected tribulations of life will challenge your marriage. You will fight. Sometimes you will barely like one another. Other times you will love your partner in the most powerful and indescribable way.

Despite any of the difficult moments, when I hear this song I see my husband. I picture him by my side, holding my hand when the light of our lives starts to fade. When I think about it I cry, but not out of sadness. I cry because it is so beautiful. It is beautiful to witness another person’s life and to share in building their dreams. If you are able to get to the end with someone, to be there, looking back at your time together with a sense of satisfaction at a life well shared - you are lucky.

When I hear I’ll Follow You Into the Dark, I hope to be so lucky.


❤️ 👰🏻 ❤️ 🧔🏻❤️


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