May the 4th be with you...How to build a Star Wars themed Terrarium! Curious, are you?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...there was a @phamished who, despite not having a green thumb, attempted to make her own Star Wars themed terrarium to celebrate MAY THE FOURTH!

An awesome bday gift!

For those who aren't aware, it was my bday a little while ago and one of my good friends bought us tickets to learn how to build a Star Wars themed terrarium. It was actually really cool because it's setup at a bar so you can order drinks, food etc and have a great time whilst fiddling with your little terrarium.

Let's see how you put it together

Yes, yes. I know we're all shocked I managed to exhibit some sort of creativity but rest assured they basically hand held us the whole way and even I managed to build something that looked half decent!

Nothing like a G&T to get you in a terrarium-building mood.

Ingredients we were provided. Everyone got different characters and props. I got a storm trooper, Luke Skywalker (I think) and R2D2 (SCORE!).

Beautiful gloved-hand modelling from my friend.

First stage of the build with rocks, charcoal (to avoid mould) and soil + a little tree. We had to use tweezers to set everything up as the opening to the bowl was quite small even for my hands! I am pretty sure I broke and pulled out half the roots and leaves trying to creatively position my tree.

My, what a large rock you have. All the better to take up meaningless space with...haha no actually I quite liked my big rock, it meant I didn't have to think too hard about where to put things - it was basically just wherever I could find space!

These figures were so cute and tiny! Some people got tai fighters, some got Princess Leia...I didn't see a Millennium Falcon though that would've been the coolest.

The Finished Product

Doesn't look too bad right? Honestly it wasn't actually that hard!

Rocks + charcoal + soil + plants + moss + props = TERRARIUM!

Time for a story...

You didn't REALLY think I just randomly put everything in the bowl right? Of course not! There's a story to we go.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...a storm trooper was sent to the lush green lands of Endor, a secluded area in a remote corner of the galaxy, to capture a missing droid by the name of R2D2.

It didn't take the storm trooper long to locate the missing droid as unfortunately R2D2 was not built to traverse over mossy green rocks, forest floor and long, tangled roots.

Looking as though he was cornered, R2D2 started to try and push his way through the glass forcefield that had seemed to create a bubble around himself and the storm trooper.

Little did the storm trooper know that Luke Skywalker was hiding in a strategically disguised location, lightsaber in hand ready to defend his friend. In a few swift movements, the storm trooper was defeated!

Home, sweet, home

Sorry I'm really terrible at story writing, now you know why I never enter those Steemit creative writing competitions haha. It's to the benefit of everybody trust me!

Here is the terrarium on our coffee table, I think it looks quite smart! It makes our place look a little hipster actually which I'm digging right now.

I don't recall Star Wars ever having large cartoon-looking mushrooms but hey who said it had to be 100% accurate right? Maybe there were mushrooms...

Until next year...

That was it for my May the 4th this year. It's actually the first time I celebrated with something Star Wars related but I actually loved it so I might continue to celebrate this day every year!

Hope you guys enjoyed this post and please let me know how you celebrated May the 4th!

@phamished xx

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