2 Weeks... (A Not-So-Funny Story)


2 Weeks And Counting

It’s been two weeks since my hernia operation. That means I’ve spent two weeks either lying in bed or taking careful walks around.

And to be honest, I feel that it’s starting to get at me...

Best case scenario, I have to keep on living like this until the end of the month, which is like really, really far away, if you ask me.

Living The Life

At first, I thought I could do it. After all, I’ve been spending my days online for almost 15 years now. I really thought I would be having the time of my life: I wouldn’t be able to use my laptop (ever tried using that while lying down?), but I thought I’d get by with just my phone and my tablet.

I pictured myself a life I had been dreaming of: spending my time as I wanted, without any obligations: no chores to do, no places to go...

Boy, was I wrong...

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What if...

Maybe it would be different if I had a decent WiFi connection, and didn’t have to reconnect every 5 minutes...

Maybe it would be different if I would be able to use my tablet’s actual keybord instead of the annoying onscreen keybord...

Maybe, maybe, maybe...

There may be a lot of things, but that doesn’t change the situation. I simply don’t have any options..

Irritation Strikes

As the days go by, I can feel myself getting irritated faster and faster. I don’t want this to happen, not after I finally managed to get out of the depression I had been going through since september. But for some reason I can’t help it.

When I lose the WiFi connection for the hundredth time, or when I see all the spelling errors in my typing because my fingers appear to be too &#%!@ fat for the little buttons on my phone, I feel like throwing everything out if the window.

But I can’t even do that, ‘cos opening the window, let alone throwing something out is off limits...

Losing The Game

I must admit that this week, I’m often losing courage. I often forget to keep the positive image in mind.

How I miss my garden... In normal circumstances I would be preparing for the gardening season, but all this will have to wait till... I don’t even know..


As I said, it’s starting to get at me.

Last Sunday I promised @davemccoy I would be at the top of the list in @abh12345’s curation league, but I’m even losing my competition spirit. Sorry guys, I won’t be able to live up to my promises...

I’ll Live

If you read this far, thanks for listening (or should I say reading?). I’ll be fine. I know I will. I just had to get this of my chest.

There will be another day tomorrow, and one after that. And the end of the month will be here before I know it. And then life can go on.

After all, I’ve already survived these last two weeks. Only two more weeks to go...

I’ll be fine...


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