During the day I am a subcontractor, for a construction and plumbing company. These pics are from our adventure with a shed house. The Owners of the shed, wanted to fix it up as a home for rent.
Being that they owned their own saw mill, it was cheaper to do it in cedar and finished oak. It was quite fun to do this project, I wish we had more to do. I think that it came out beautiful.

The offsetting walls in the living room and all the ceilings in the house were done in 6 inch cedar. The house started to smell wonderful, just like a hamster cage.

The walls were done with half round oak. This gave the impression of a log home. They fit quite well together, accept on long stretches when we had to keep it level

The kitchen/dinning room was completely done in cedar. It was a pain to cut all the angles , but the look was worth the effort. It was coming together nicely

The two lofts were done differently, one was made for storage and the other was made to be a bedroom. The rails on the bedroom loft were also made from cedar logs to complete the look.

Once the kitchen was put in , the job was done. I was really proud of how this building turned out.It took about a month to finish this little home. It is a fully functional house that included central heating and cooling as well as two bed rooms. I hope we get to do another, it a lot of fun.
Thank you for visiting, I loved sharing part of my life with you. Steem all the way!