Death or Paradise III

I hope at this point you are all enjoying your game. I am from my side, so let me throw you a new curve ball and see what you can come up with. All of the rules are posted at the bottom of this page. Bright side is, I have not killed anymore of you. I hope that makes some of you happy. I hope it pisses some of you off. I hope it makes some of you laugh because the same response from everyone would be BORING!



Every survivor saw the sky open that night, it mattered little if you were a believer or not. Just a single ship not much bigger than a single stall bathroom. So this wasn't an invasion, was this Elon Musk returning from voyage in his personal craft unaware the world had ended? Would this be the first worldwide witnessing of intelligent beings from outside of Earth? Many days passed and there was no other nightly invasions seen in the sky and there was no sign of the ship or it's occupants as each set of survivors set out to the crash site to look closer at what had fallen to Earth. Would this be their final journey as a group?

One by one, the groups found their way to the crash site. There they found a small craft not much larger than a refrigerator. There were no computers inside, not a single window was to be found either. The door was ajar yet there was no sign of life nor any sign of prints leaving the ship other than that of the survivors who had come to the site. How did this ship get here? Where is the person that came here inside it? Did anyone see where they went once the ship opened? Which team got here first? There were so many unanswered questions and so many more that everyone wasn't even daring to ask.

They were so happy and relieved to see other life. Each group was fairly like minded and decided as a group to pool their resources and join as a community using all of the skills they had learned up until this point.

@rawdawg was happy, there were a lot more woman now.

@monoxid was excited he finally had more people to ask if they found Jesus.

@gaboroa14 was shocked to learn everyone was just malnourished and not really zombies.

@freddysanchez was pleased there was a steady supply of fresh water now.

@sofiapaola was happy to see some more men, she was the youngest of the entire group

@luingrid.guerra was pissed there were so many copies of 50 Shades of Grey as she hoped someone else at least brought 50 Shades Darker or Freed

@deibysv quickly found and hid his copy of Solomon's Key as he didn't trust this group fully at this point

@jhnmunoz wished she wasn't showing so much, as with a new group, meant that they would be forcing her to sit out of even more activities due to the swelling baby in her belly.

@mervin-gil sighed with relief that there were more people, more food and hopefully less work for everyone equally

@insideoutlet only had one thought, did I tell @shai-hulud about the genie?

@alisabelsilva jumped out from behind the tree, she was just hiding until it was clear

@erodedthoughts was happy to see that each group had made it this far, they pushed on through their massive losses

@svemirac was happy there were more members in the group to help make some other tasty beverage besides moonshine, which he had been living off of since the 2nd week after the crash

The main question no-one was asking, the important one they skipped was, why was @erodedthoughts alone? What happened to his group?

How did he survive, alone, in this new world?

Nobody knows for sure and this is where round 3 begins

Round three is your fiction story of who @erodedthoughts is, how he survived alone and what your plans are for him.

Use lifesfacade tag

Try for at least 500 words or more

You have until February ends, March 1st is the cut off date for Round 3.

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