I've Been Tagged - Love it/Shove it Challenge

@snowpea has started a new challenge to help all of us get to know each other a little better. Plus for someone like myself who isn't a natural blogger it's a great excuse to start writing.

Here is the first #loveitshoveit post to reference if you have any questions.

Here is the basics of the challenge.

So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life? These are the little things that make us unique! Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons! The rules are simple!

List five things that you love

List five things that you really dislike

Use the tag loveitshoveit

Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in


My Love It list:

  1. My Family. My family is everything to me.
  2. Naps. Oh how I love to take a nap in the middle of the day. After a nap I feel energized and ready to take on the day again.
  3. My Future. The past is done and over with only to draw memories and lessons from. Today is largely written based on our past decisions. But our futures can be drastically improved over our past with consistent effort towards reaching clear goals.
  4. Friends. My friends become part of my family and family is everything to me. So maybe I'm cheating a little by giving friends their own slot in my 5 things I love.
  5. Winning. Can't lie, my goal is always to win. I have no interest in doing my best and failing.

My Shove It list, fair warning I'm blunt:

  1. Entitlement. Those that feel they are owed anything. Nobody is entitled to anything in life so if you want something go earn it.
  2. Theft. Don't care if you are stealing content, someones time, money or anything else. Theft is theft and it's just wrong. We don't need this type of person in the world.
  3. Excusitis. No it's not a real word, but it should be. It's a condition that afflicts a growing percentage of the world population. One that cripples people and leaves them without motivation to accomplish their life goals. This condition is one in which people make an excuse for each time they fail ro do something wrong vs learning from their failures and how to do better next time or learning from their mistakes and taking ownership of those mistakes. When nothing is your fault it becomes easy to become a victim, it becomes easy to not try your best, it becomes easy to not to improve yourself, it becomes easy to fail. Excusitis might be the most serious condition that holds people back making them settle for less then they are able to accomplish.
  4. Rewards for Nothing. Anyone that has a kid in sports or school these days will notice that you can't allow one kid excel and be singled out. If one kid deserves a reward/award you better make an excuse to give one to the rest of the kids. We don't reward excellence, instead we dumb everything down to encourage mediocrity. No not every child can be the best at everything, but no child learns to push harder and put in the extra effort to become the best when being the best isn't rewarded. Without the goal of becoming the best kids are learning at a young age that being mediocre will get you the same rewards as those that try hard and become the best...it breeds entitlement.
  5. Sheeple. Everyone should think for themselves. Do what makes them happy in life, not what the corporations of the world say will make you happy. Don't blindly follow anyone, always be asking yourself if it's what you really want and believe.

Hope @snowpea isn't regretting tagging me in the first round of her challenge...LOL

I'm tagging 5 people who I'd like to know a little more about. Hopefully they will keep this going. @lynncoyle1 @abh12345 @tarazkp @winstonalden @fitinfun

Image Source Pixabay

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