#FollowFriday Magical Steemians...

This is primarilly a post for my magician friends who are considering signing up to STEEM, or have signed up but have so far been inactive, to help you connect to the growing occult community here and give you an idea of what to expect. It is also a call out to other magical types and occultists that are using STEEM but whom I haven't noticed yet, to speak up and let me know who else I should be following. Please post your own #FollowFriday blogs with a list of your own recommendations and link to them in the comments!

@dana-varahi is my first recommendation. Whilst they have posted only a little occult content so far, I happen to have inside information. We have lived together for nine years now, and have had many magical adventures together. We intend to start sharing these stories soon, starting with the magic that brought us together. We will each be writing our side of that story so you can peice together the puzzle from two perpectives.

@in2itiveart is amongst those eagerly awaiting that story, but that isn't why they make my second recommendation. To understand that you have to look at what they do with sigils, turning each glyph into stunning art pieces. It truely is magic to behold.

@paniopan is another great magical artist. Themes include an intersection of entheogenics, ufology and Thelema.

@torem-di-torem tells of their expierences with Siberian and Bulgarian shamanism, as well as making posts about the tarot.

@ekklesiagora makes occassional posts about Gnosticism and Anarchism. Worth a read when they appear.

This eclectic community maybe small compared to some of the larger facebook occult groups, but it is vibrant, creative and friendly. And more than that, rewarding to be a part of.

Don't feel left out if I haven't mentioned you this time. I'll try do a future follow friday for artists and photographers I follow, and another one for people making more technical posts. And eventually I'll cycle back to making a hopefully updated one for this community as it grows and as I find new people creating great content.

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