MakeMeSmile Weekly Challenge is ON! / 让我们开始每周的MakeMeSmile挑战吧!

I started this challenge back in tsu. The reason of the challenge is to make "ME" Smile (which means EVERYONE smile, WHY? You may question... Coz the "ME" is whoever reading the post). So let's spread out the love smile joy to "ME"...


The rule is very very simple. / 挑战的规则很简单

A. Post whatever makes you HAPPY. It can be a photo, a story, a song, a video, a poem, a drawing, etc.


B. Must write at least 5 sentences describing why it makes you smile/happy.


C. Submit your MakeMeSmile post link under the comment section here to join the weekly lucky draw.

把你的MakeMeSmile 的链接分享在这部落格的评论区来参与我们每周的幸运抽奖。

What is the lucky draw prize? / 幸运抽奖奖励

The SBD payout of this post! If the post SBD payout is less then 5SBD, I will top it up to make it 5SBD. If you would like to sponsor this weekly challenge, please let me know! Thanks in advance!


How to Win the Lucky Draw? / 如何赢得抽奖

A. Must submit your post at the comment section below this post.

记得一定要把你的MakeMeSmile po 的链接贴在我的评论区。

B. I will use Steem Winner to randomly choose the lucky winner after I have received my post payout. I will record the Steem Winner process and result and show in the announcement post.

当我拿到了这po的支付,我将会用 Steem Winner 来选我们的幸运赢家。我会把整个过程记录下来并公布让大家知道。

Let's have fun and MakeMeSmile! Here's what I have to show. My three girls MakeMeSmile. I capture all the below photos with my Redmi 4x.




Valentines Day and Chinese New Year is just around the corner, therefore we see many decorations and related products for sale.




Upvote and Resteem appreciated! Thanks!

Hope to see your MakeMeSmile posts soon! With love ❤️💕💗💖

希望可以很快的看到你的MakeMeSmile po。💖💗💕❤️

SPECIAL SHOUTOUT to one of our Team Malaysia member @tadstrange / 让我们一起来呼唤爱!特别献给大马队的其中一名成员 @tadstrange

Just found out in our discord group that his mom is really sick. Therefore I would like to dedicate this first MakeMeSmile Challenge to him and his mom and family. Do drop by his blog and show him love and support. He is really a good writer.

刚刚从我们的discord组群得知 @tadstrange 的妈妈生病了。所以我希望能够把我们的第一期的MakeMeSmile 挑战特别献给 @tadstrange 和妈咪还有家人。让我们一起把爱的能量传播给他们。@tadstrange 是一位很棒的部落客,如果有时间请大家可以到他部落格看看!为他还有他的妈咪打气加油! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

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