Do You Have What It Takes? Does SteemIt?? (Some Random Thoughts)

Is content less important than networking? And which role does personality play when it comes to SteemIt success?



I’m so confused at the moment, I don’t even know what I’m going to write about in this post. I’ll have to wait and see where it goes, just like you...

I haven’t done a lot today. Had a few conversations on Discord, published a post I should have deleted and even managed to make a HUGE mistake in the title. The slug will say KFC instead of KYC forever now...

It took me 3 hours before I noticed... Sigh...


What Am I Doing Here?

Amongst other things, like posting a reply to the wrong comment, I also read two articles that completely confused me, both in their own way.

I think the only thing both articles had in common was the fact that the authors were both RIGHT, and that’s exactly what disturbs me.

Both made me wonder what on earth I’m doing here on SteemIt...


Where It All Begun

Earlier today, I stumbled upon a post by @spiritualmax - STEEMIT Dynamics: How a Blank Page Can Outearn You! - in which he questions the importance of quality content here on the platform.

Basically, he wants to conduct an experiment. The idea is to create an anonymous account and post crap content but put a lot of effort into networking. He wants to see how far this will get the account.

Personally, I like to think that ‘SteemIt success’ is a combination of both. Networking is an important factor, but I do believe quality content is too.

... until this afternoon.

After reading @spiritualmax’ article, I’ve been looking at the platform with different eyes.


And I came to the conclusion that he’s probably right. Content isn’t of the same importance as networking...

I do realize that I get a lot of upvotes because I’ve made quite some friends here. I do know that my content isn’t as good as a lot of other content on here that gets way less attention. It’s the networking that’s making the difference.

It makes me wonder why I spend hours just to write one single post...


Being Different

Like that wasn’t enough, I also came across a post by @yallipapi. #SharkSchool Lesson 2: Develop A Taste For Other People's Blood, I guess you’ve all seen it, ‘cos it’s popular as hell. (DISCLAIMER: not for sensitive souls - lol)

Yesterday, I had read his first part with genuine interest. I thought it was no coincidence that I came across another post about addiction - but that’s a completely different story...

I had set up Gina to be notified of new #sharkschool posts because I had the feeling he was on to something.

Today's edition hit the bullseye! I’m not even sure whether I have the words to explain... You’ll have to read it yourself... Be sure to look beyond the surface and try to get the message he’s actually sending...

The post made me think, and so far I believe he is right. If you want to get somewhere here on SteemIt, you need PERSONALITY. You need to stand out. Be different.


Were you offended/shocked by his main image? If yes, it worked. Everybody knows creating controversy is one of the best tricks in the book. But you have to have the GUTS to do it.

No matter how he plays it, his statement is correct. You will never earn good money on SteemIt if you do not make your posts stand out. Sure, you can buy your way up, just like I’m doing. But that doesn’t change the fact that you won’t become a success by just being the girl next door.

I don’t mean you all have to go all angry on everyone, like @yallipapo. It’s just about being different from everyone else...

And you know what...

I’m not sure I have what it takes.

Although people in real life often see me as completely different from them - with the dreadlocks and the piercings and the clothes... -, deep inside I’m just a normal girl. A friendly and polite girl. Not so different from anyone else...

I’m not so sure I will be able to become a personality here on SteemIt. I don’t have anything special to offer like for example @abh12345 who has his database skills, or @spiritualmax, whose marketing skills have really impressed me...

But if I don’t, so be it. At least I’ve been having a good time.



Reading through this post again, it’s very obvious a couple of hours have gone by since I wrote the first sentence. By now, I’m in a completely different state of mind.

I really didn’t know where this post would go when I started it. And now I don’t have a clue how I should end it, hahaha...

Maybe I should just stop and leave you with some wise words... ;0)


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