Today, May 1st, woud have been my husband's birthday if he had not passed away a few years ago. He was ten years older than me, so he would have turned 73 this year. I talked to his sister a short while ago, and we remembered him fondly.

~photo by me~
This is the house where we lived. My husband took great delight that it was the only house on the entire street with a red door. It was such a charming house with lots of beautiful, dark wood around the door facings and window encasements. It had real hardwood floors, not the cheap "laminate" stuff they pass-off as "hardwood" flooring nowadays. My husband had grown up in the house and took possession of it when his parents became elderly. So, that house was as much a part of him as anything else in this world, and I miss living there.
So, thinking of you today — rest in peace, My Love. 💖