Registering for the @minnowsupport group can be a challenge, especially for newbies and people with little experience in this type of forum. So I've put together a slideshow that covers the process step-by-step, with screenshots and visuals that will hopefully make joining the PALnet Discord group completely stress-free.
First, you need to actually visit the group. You can do that by clicking this link. Once there, feel free to introduce yourself, hang out for a bit, and chat. Hopefully you'll want to register and become a regular member. The slideshow I introduce below should make that fairly painless.
Step One is registering with the PALnet Minnow Support group at Discord.
Step Two is registering with SteemVoter.
Step Three is registering with Streemian.
If you're unfamiliar with SteemVoter and Streemian, the following video does offer some basic information, and simplifies it into language most of us minnows can understand. For a more thorough explanation, members of the PALnet group will be happy to help.