Minnows Accelerator Project - Winners of MAP1 and MAP2 - You Can Join Too

The Minnows Accelerator project was started just 11 days ago with this Signup article. We have currently completed two contests (MAP1 and MAP2), there is a third one, MAP3 currently running and I hope MAP4 will start very shortly (need two more content creators).

I will also publish a fresh Signup page for August within a few hours. Anybody interested can still Signup in the July post as new comments can always be added. I don't wish to repeat everything that is already in the previous articles, but I did want to highlight a few things.

Winners of MAP1 and MAP2

MAP1 had two winners, as the votes were very close: @mrslauren and @kenchung.
MAP2 had one winner: @catwomanteresa.

The other participants were:
MAP1 - @vinyprop, @qed, @pathforger and @tim-rumford;
MAP2 - @cbcheng, @lindahas, @ariane, @robertvogt and @digitalfirehose.

It is never too late to read their blogs and to show your appreciation.

Six of the Best contests currently running

Minnows Accelerator Project - Six of the Best MAP3 [Vote Now - Join In]

Six of the Best coming soon...

MAP4 will be published very shortly. Has been published now!

Thanks to everyone who has supported this project.

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