Minnow Support - Reaching Out That Helping Fin


What is the Minnow Support Project?

Minnowsupport is a network that helps support and encourage growth in the Steemit community, by assisting with anything from proof-reading, tagging, brainstorming new ideas and posts, good practices in terms of curation, to even support on understanding the nuances of interacting with Steemit and it's associated services.

This service has been created by @Aggroed and @ausbitbank and is supported by many users delegations including but not limited to @benjojo, @neoxian, @snubbermike, @venuspcs, @ausbitbank, @isaac.rodebush, @sulev, @michelios, @ethical-ai, @alexvan, @clayboyn, @lances, @jocra, @raymonjohnstone, @sandstorm, @uniwhisp and @v4vapid. Much love to all supportive delegates putting their voting power where it counts.

Need that real time support?

We are based on the PAL-net discord server which can be found here, https://discord.gg/qH6ADm. This is a quiet pond compared to the hustle and bustle, and has many different channels you can join making it easy to find your niche and grow into it.

Examples include a creative fiction room, poetry, travel, dedicated rooms to support people in different locations such as #teamaustralia which was started up by the benevolent @AusBitBank and assisted by the mighty @ChooGirl, and it's not so mighty brother #teamgb which is an initiative started by @TremendosPercy. And if the noise gets to you, you can always come chill out with @creativesoul in the quiet room.

Looking to unwind?

We have also recently launched our own radio station at http://mspwaves.com/ created and managed by @Sircork and it has been a hit so far with the community, I for one love relaxing after a long day to some good music and this is a fantastic addition to the Minnow Support Project

Need more information?

We also have our website that has been the brainchild of @CrimsonClad and @FollowBtcNews and is getting closer and closer to its final form. This will be a central repository of information and posts relevant to minnowsupport and its services, allowing users to quickly and easily find further guidance when required. You can take a look at it here https://minnowsupportproject.org

Can I get a witness?

We have many witnesses that support the MinnowSupport project with a variety of different skills and efforts, with their attention to detail and care for Steemit support and minnows we hope to grow alongside them into a glorious shiny future.
Currently the witnesses are @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @neoxian, @netuoso, @someguy123, @teamsteem, @thecryptodrive and @theprophet0.

If you have not already might I suggest heading on over to https://steemd.com/witnesses and popping in a vote for them.

Got bot?

There are a number of bots available to the users and delegates of Minnowsupport Project to assist with your growth on Steemit as well. Created by @netuoso we have the central command and control tower called msp3k.

@muxxybot which was created by @gmuxx to assist in curation, voting, and lifting content to a wider audience on Steemit.

@msp-shanehug which was created to help out the little guys with loving hugs by @swelker101, rather nice of him.

@msp-creativebot which was created by @sammosk to support the more creative of our minnows, keeping hands free for further creative efforts.

@centerlink which was built from the ground up by @ausbitbank to hand out the dole (welfare payments) to our needy #teamaustralia members.

@msp-lovebot which was created by @aggroed in order to spread the love to delegates of other minnow support services, encouraging growth.

@minnowsupport which was also created by @aggroed to help assist the growth of the minnows, and give exposure to their content by way of upvoting and a voting trail.

If anyone is interested in delegating to the above bots, feel free to follow the link here. http://mspdelegator.herokuapp.com/ or come join us on discord and we will happily walk you through the process.

Everything in moderation.

Now that I've gone over the project and it's goals I just want to take a moment to mention the great and wonderful people who put in countless hours of effort assisting and moderating on the discord server, @cryptobeard, @rhondak, @gmuxx, @swelker101, @sammosk and the newest addition to the team @crimsonclad.

My Experiences.

I for one have found that the Minnow Support Project has helped me spread my fins on the Steemit platform, has encouraged my personal growth by way of encouraging my efforts on blogging on here and improved the quality of my content with proof reading and new ideas anytime I get stumped. And I have been happy to put my efforts back towards encouraging and empowering others to grow along with us. If this sounds like something that could help you, feel free to come join us on discord. https://discord.gg/qH6ADm .

Thank you for taking the time to read over this, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Much love. <3


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