M.O.L.A.A. molaaspaingaroo Long post to serve as permalink for rules and regs


Make Out Like An Artist --- Minnows to Whales daily love and $BD giveaway. aka tag molaaspaingaroo collaborative art project


this post will be the linked post describing the concept, rules and directions, helpful hints and so forth

There is more information as you go down the page.
But if you are keen to get started on the love giveaway, I will summarise here, and go into more detail below. Continue as far as you need.

Each day I will post on my blog with an image (of a page of one of my notebooks to start with. We will see as time goes on) and you have until post payout (seven days, or is better to say six) to post your response, collaborative artwork, or even reworking of my images, or colouring in or what ever.

  • I will admit every thing that can be considered creative and or art.
  • I will prefer art but I am only me.
  • Poetry will have to be good to win.
  • But it may win, if it is good.
  • I will also want to be able to see how your entry is derived from my image or words.
  • If you think I will have difficulty seeing the connection, I would advise you to write an explanatory text.

You should post your creation on your blog, and you then drop a link into a comment on the page of the day you are entering on.

You should use the tag # molaaspaingaroo so we can keep it all under one roof. I plan on making this a trending tag, so you may want to use it first.
You should also use tag # art, if it is, or # photography or # writing or whatever your work is.

You may resteem the post, but it is not a requirement. It may be helping everybody, but maybe you don't want to clog up your blog with resteemed posts. Your call.

You should upvote the post, as you will be helping everyone, and hurting no-one

What am I offering?

apart from those things listed above. (talent, dedication and commitment, and civil behaviour and friendliness)

: half of the post earnings. moola, to go with molaa **
: critique and opinion and guidance if wanted/asked for. **
: expanding pool of influence.
**details below.

as I begin to recognise talent and/or persistence and friendliness or at the very least civil discourse in people, I will do all I can to promote them, through all the channels I have available to me.

love, minnow love for the time being, whale love soon enough.

We also represent (we being my partner in crime @gloriasj and my good self, and my bad self, and my mediocre self thrown in)(I do have a tendency to ramble) an ever expanding effort to promote and encourage creators.

You may have noted the order and think that it represents an order of importance, but that is not necessarily the case

If I was going to rank them in order it would be the opposite.

civil behaviour and friendliness.



I think there are people on here who want to become artists, there are people who are already artists and there are thousands watching (soon)

Picaso is not one of my favourite artists, (I do like "man eating ice cream cone", and have to admit that Gurnika is a powerful work in the flesh (it lives at the Reina Sofia)) but he has some tremendous quotes.

I give you a prime example.

good artists copy, great artists steal.

You may also have recognised the reference to the title of the book "steal like an artist" by Austin Klein

I am perfectly happy for you to steal from my imagery, trusting that you will have the artistic integrity to attribute.

I will be talking about my influences in each days post, if those are external.
I am dedicated to radical truth seeking these days, and especially in myself.
I will tell you where I lifted everything from. ;)

What I would not like to see, and may consider taking action against, is directly taking my images without altering them in any way, and (esp selling, but also just claiming) them as your own.
(with the images that I am offering at first, I think this is not a danger, as I will be posting random sketchbook pages)

however, that withstanding, if you make a derivative artwork from the prompt, even if you start on top of the prompt;

the work you create will be your own to exploit as you wish.

And I surely hope for your every success in your endeavours. :)

I hope you can have a successful post under my tag too. :)

But I still say, for both of us, for your future integrity's sake, you will want to attribute me. :)

No monetary compensation will be necessary.

Although any donations to one of our causes will always be welcome.

What I most want is some friends.

So those who are sticking around and having a conversation will surely benefit from the experience and gain a wealth of knowledge and steem.


I will be taking three things into account.

1: Raw talent.

At least in the eyes of el bicho. This is always something that is worth nuturing and rewarding, as I wish had been done more for me. :(

Don't be afraid to let your glory shine.

Give me all you got, or all you want to give me.

It's up to you.
haha :)

2: Dedication and determination.

"It comes down to a decision; dedicate and commit yourself, or get out! quit!"
Andre Agosi

If you are a minnow, arriving here for the first time, I say welcome, and I promise to take your entry into account, unless for some reason I cannot, because you have not read my simple rules, although turning into a very long post...

If you do not win the first time, please try again the next day.

In fact you may have entered everyday during the whole week, before seeing the results of the first judging and giveaway

Previous winners are also welcome to enter again, as soon as the next day.

In fact I encourage everyone to do it as many times as they wish.

If someone is so outstanding as to warrant the prize too many days in a row, I promise to endeavour to find a solution via a direct correspondence with all parties to find the best solution.

As I already stated my wish is to nuture and support as many artists or other creatives as I can, and to start a supportive but intelligently critical community.

If people would like to participate more on my side of things I am very open to being talked to, (as some of you already know :) ) and will always need the help.
Come to me with your ideas and dreams.
If you are able to convince me of your idea, we will endeavour to make it happen together.

3: Civil behaviour and friendliness.

I have already stated I am doing this to make new friends as much as any other reason, so I elevate this to a criteria (shared) for winning the day.

But of course, I do not mean sucking up to me.

I just mean civil behaviour and common courtesy to all on the page.
If you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all.
I think this is very good advice to live to, and since it's my new way of trying to be (I am a very flawed human being) it is a requirement to be taken into consideration.
I will be asking (and hereby do) people to state out loud, (ie. in writing, in their post, or their comment) if they would like constructive critisism and suggestions, guidence or directions. etc.
In this case, when you can clearly see that the person has requested it I would encourage anyone who also would like to offer something which will benefit the recipient to do so.
I think praise will always be welcome. But I think critisism, even constructive, should be reserved for when it is clearly requested.

2.5: :) I will look very favourably on those that post working drawings or progress shots.

I believe other viewers will too!


The decision will be mine (el bicho) for a prize pool of 30% of that post's earnings at the seven day mark.
Mine and mine alone.
I promise to be fair and impartial, to the best of my abilities, in consideration of my stated rules.

I would have also asked everyone to leave a comment under everyone's image, but I know that may become impractical.

But I do ask that everyone who enters, cast a vote for the work that would come second if their's won.

The work that has the most comments under it saying that it is the contestant's first choice for second place will win 20 % of the post's earnings at first week payout.

(a variation of the public's choice prize, but here you must also enter some creative work based on the day's image in order for me to count your vote as valid)

You may also state that want to vote it first, but I recommend you stick to calling it second place, and love your baby.

that is a total prize pool of 50% of post earnings going back to the participants. Everyday!!

(disclaimer. You only have my word on this, and the blockchain, and I will try to post proof.)
(second disclaimer. If I cannot make the daily post, there is no competition that day. Try again tomorrow. However, I make a firm commitment to try to keep up this gruelling schedule. Any help will be appreciated.)

And it is only fifty percent as I am in very desperate straights financially still myself. If I can improve my situation, and I am not greedy, I will increase the pool, or put more power to work in other minnow support networks.

Also, please be aware that there is no prize guarantee.

If my post does not get traction, there will be very little to divide up.

So encourage all to come by. Feel free to share the link far and wide.

I also reserve the right to give up, or to change the rules and ideas on the fly according to circumstances.
I will always try to explain my decisions.

that is all you must know.

It is enough.

If you want to read on, please be my guest

so, who the fuck am I?

You probably don't know me yet.

The vast majority of you will read this page the first time you wish to join the competition and will probably not know me.

El bicho, aka @spaingaroo, (here, and on Discord) (and also as a .com) aka serioussix at the big three email servers, aka www.scotty.es aka Scott Charles Leichhardt Hollingsworth

I am who I am, and stand by my character online and offline. I have been producing artworks for 40 years almost.

thought I would be rock star famous by now.

I have looked at pretty large quantities of art in the flesh, having been to many large important shows and hundreds of commercial gallery shows.

A few Main highlights.
Incredible installation at David Prestorius Gallery. Deep, formed green plasticine over one of the expansive walls of this industrial estate type space.
The first Asia Pacific Triennial at QGA (I saw the first three)
Louise Bourgeois at the Reina Sophia, or actually I think it was the Casa Encendida,
Cy Twombly "la batalla de lepanto" at El Prado
Goya's dark paintings El Prado,

These two can be seen all the time as far as I know, permanent exhibition.

Incredible sculpture show in Canberra, all over the city.
The list goes on.
I recently saw a truly incredible South American Artist whose name escapes me right now, at the Casa Encendida.
heaps of sketchbooks filled, all beautifully finished pages, unlike mine.
Which is where you come in.

An amazing video installation en el tabacolero last year
A truly stunning Plasticine installation at el matadero called Xenatopes, I think. (must check) I have the card somewhere

Julian Schnabel in the Casa de Velazquez, incredibly huge paintings, impossible to experience through reproduction.
Ron Muik at GOMA, the most hyper reality but twisting expectations (sculpture)
Patricia Piccinini in one of her early shows
"Blue Poles**" at the aussie national gallery of art.
"Whaaaam", (which after visiting the Tate Modern especially to see it in the flesh and finding it was on loan in Holland, I finally saw it, still on loan; at the Reina Sophia)
"Surrealism" at QGA,
my own installation outside the church on the main drag in Fortitude Valley. :)
Amazing drawings of Juan Francisco Casas (not for everyones taste, but such craftsmanship)
Deep monocrome paintings of Angela San Jose, so like what one my of my art school friends might have made if he kept going.
(I have had the opportunity to get up close and personal with these)

Emily Kame, Rover Thomas et al

Christine Morrow's installation of compass refresher towlettes formed into the shape of an airliner, in the QCA lobby, after the collapse of the airline.
One of the most poetic images I have ever seen.

bunches of amazing artists in Brisbane too numerous to name

Wild performance art I saw once, (at Brutal!) where a guy carefully ripped off both ends of a soft pack of Camel cigarettes, genty formed them into a cylinder, and then smoked the entire thing fast and furious (dangerously?), in a tiny space filled with a few very uncomfortable audience members and thrill seekers.

And a stunning performance piece by a Brisbane artist and singer whose name I have also forgotten.
I am sure she was a Christine. something. It pains me to have forgotten.
One of my Brisbane artist friends will probably know. This was at the MOMA in 1996? 1997? (in Brisbane, not the other more well know institution) where this incredibly gifted singer sang the hair of the audience/spectators.

It was truly breathtaking and simultaneously hilarious and amazingly cute.

I am sure every single person who was there can remember it clearly.

She also sang a song which still echos through me to this day.
It must have been her own composition as I have searched high and low for it, since having the internet with no luck.

The words included the chorus lines,

"I am coming, I am coming, across the divide to you"

and I can still hear them today.

There are other songs with some of these words, but I have never encountered that one

(I vowed she would sing that song at my wedding, ((before I actually thought I would have one)) but alas, my wedding was a very low-budget affair, only performed to allow us movement between two countries.)

and just hundreds of other shows

I had an incredible (modestly) Art collection before I decided to flee my native shores, because of having met a Spanish perfection, I mean girl )
I donated most of it to public collections, and returned some works to their creators, and sold some of it.
I have an even more modest collection right now.
I would have to describe buying art as the best experience in life.
(As long as one doesn't take the carnal pleasures into account.)

A few Art fairs. I have only tended to go to the ones that I have been included in.

I am the poorest of starving artists, as everything I ever make just gets plowed back into keeping on working so I have never been able to visit ...blah blah blah

One of my main regrets in life will be the shows that I missed, having had the opportunity to go.
And of course, the incredibly vaster number of things I could never have visited.
but I did try.
For several years I visited four to ten shows every week.

But my other main regret will have been not collaborating more, and more often. Because the most memorable things I have done, I have done with people. Duh

I once went to an arts festival in Stanthorpe Qld, as one of a bunch of studenty types and spent the whole time 24 hours a day doing shit with different groups of people.
I mean 24 hrs a day for fourteen days, apart from one eleven hour sleep, right at the mid-point.
And on the last night, sang a song on stage, in front of the whole town (first time in life) (they all danced) and then took a tab and later was able to control physical objects with my mind and could see the songlines, or ley-lines of the land where I was.

If I had to do the same again, I would my friend, Fernando

Well, I think this is enough background. Don't you?

If you support me and my project, not only will you be helping my twelve rescued animals (nine dogs three cats), but I will support you right back anyway I am able, and will be concentrating on paying it forward.

seria español friendly, pero aún no he hecho el correspondiente post en castellano. Espero hacerlo pronto, pero pronto.

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