Since the start of this year, my savings account has reached 500 HBD. That should be enough to cover my Hive Fest ticket and other Hive-related expenses. So, I’ve decided to convert my HBD earnings to Bitcoin at the end of each month and save them 🍊
I used to convert HBD to Hive, send it to Binance, trade it for Bitcoin, and then withdraw it to my mainnet wallet once the amount was large enough to justify the withdrawal fee. However, this process had some downsides: Binance risk, extra conversion steps, and I have to spend some time.
Then I remembered that @go-kyo, the founder and community leader of Hive JA, had shared a KYC-free method for converting HBD to Bitcoin on Discord. She got to know V4V app (@v4vapp) in the Leofinance community. V4V app allows HBD to be withdrawn via the Lightning Network 🙌
I first attempted to send 175 HBD in one transaction, but it didn’t go through. So, I split it into 100 HBD and 75 HBD, sending them separately. Since I was testing it anyway, I tried sending from both a computer browser and the Hive Keychain mobile app.

Aside from needing to split the amount, everything went fine and smoothly. The total fee was around $2 (1.14%), and I received the sats instantly. Considering the time and effort saved compared to my previous process, I think this is a great alternative.
Another advantage is that fewer steps make it easier to explain to my accountant or tax authorities if needed.
This method seems ideal for converting HBD earnings time by time such as on a monthly or bi-weekly basis, so I plan to use it regularly.
Thank You for Your Support!
January 2025 was my best month ever in terms of the author reward since 2016. I know Hive is not only about the reward but I’m so happy about this and grateful for everyone’s support. Thank you so much!
I’ll keep writing content that I hope you’ll enjoy, and I look forward to chatting with you this month as well 😊
今年に入って貯蓄口座に500HBDたまりました。Hive Festのチケットを買って、その他もろもろのHiveでの出費をまかなうのに十分な金額です。ということで、HBDでいただいた報酬は毎月月末にビットコインにして貯めることにしました 🍊
Hive JAの発起人でお世話役の@go-kyoさんが、KYCフリーでHBDをビットコインにする方法として、LeofinanceコミュニティでV4V app (@v4vapp)を教えてもらったとDiscordで書いていたのを思い出し、使ってみました。V4V appを使うとHBDやHive関連の通貨をライトニング出金できます。
当初175HBDをまとめて送ろうとしたところうまくいかず、100HBDと75HBDに分けて送金しました。せっかくなので、コンピュータのブラウザと、Hive Keychainのモバイルアプリから試してみました。

V4V appの詳しい使い方については、noteに@go-kyoさんが日本語で解説した記事があります。ものすごい神記事なのになぜスキが100とかじゃないんだ!
V4V appを使うとビットコインにするまでのステップが少なくなり、税理士さんや税務署から質問があったときになどに説明しやすそうなのもよいところです。