Today I like to draw your attention to a really great score by Thomas Newman. An orchestral work with the piano playing the main role throughout the soundtrack. Some say this is maybe the finest work of Thomas Newman. To be honest, I can't really agree or disagree, since I do not know all the creations by mister Newman. I only know that when watching the movie "Revolutionary Road" some time ago, I did like the music a LOT.
Monday after the weekend, we deserve some good music to listen to, to be able to deal with the stressful week ahead of us. This score is for sure one that will help you with dealing with stress, or better said: to de-stress.
I can try and explain why I make that statement, but I think art is difficult to explain: You have to experience it! Therefore I can only recommend you to hit the play button below and find out for yourself if this score is something for you, or not.

Artist: Thomas Newman
Album: Revolutionary Road OST
Year: 2008
Country: USA
(source & play in full)
Route 12
Picture Window
The Bright Young Man
Hopeless Emptiness
Simple Clean Lines
Speaking Of Production Control
Golden People *
Night Woods
A Bit Whimsical
Revolutionary Road
No Official Website Available