One of my very good friends spend considerable time on Ibiza during September and October, each year. Since she works in the electronic music business, she gets to quite a few nice parties. I don't mean those in the clubs, those that are announced. I mean those parties that are more or less private.
Throughout the years I also got the opportunity to be at those type of kinda closed events and the great thing of these are that - generally speaking - only interesting people attend and the artists take a different approach to playing music. Yep, most of the time some DJ setup is arranged, even if it is meant as a hangout party. This year I didn't make it to Ibiza, but my friend did. Fortunately for her! But - indirect - also fortunate for me. On one of these garden events she met this Russian DJ spinning the wheels. Her artist name: Marymoon. A beautiful name, don't you think?

Well, she also plays some nice tunes! Last week I already discovered some really interesting artists in and around Amsterdam Dance Event, and on top of that last weekend I discovered Marymoon! My friend was raving about her, telling me how nice a person she is, this good, that wonderful...and I shall listen to some of her music!
Hanging out in my friends living room, and having a laptop almost under our nose, it was easy to start a Soundcloud recording, and so we started listening to her "Burning Man 2016" recording; And after that also her "We Are Play Music recording". I particularly like the later and therefore share that one with you today. Marymoon is into house so it seems, the deeper end of it (super!), likes vocals (meh!) and soul (wonderful!). Altogether she creates a beautiful set with a great atmospheric mood. The set is quite laid back allowing it to be listened to while chilling. But some dancing is allowed as well! The set gives enough energy to do so!
Artist: Marymoon
Set: We Are Play Music
Year: 2015
Country: Russia
Chilling or Dancing - Time to NJOY
Marymoon - We Are Play Music (2015)