Tips &Tricks for music enthusiasts. (Also offering my sound engineering services for free to steemian musicians)

For those of you who don't know , I'm a music producer , and today I'm going to give you musicians and music producers some tips that have help me in my own music production. 
As well as , I'm offering my sound engineering services to any steemians for free , more on that at the end. 

                             Always have a vision for your track.

What use is a song or track if there is no vision , no story ? Not a lot in my opinion , just a bunch of sounds or instruments playing in a nonsensical order , though there is nothing wrong with jamming and experimentation. 

Before you sit in front of your DAW , or picking up your instrument , have an idea of what you want the song or track to be like . 

                                                             Ask yourself .

  • "What kind of character do I want in my song or track to have ?"
  • "What story do I want to tell" , or "What emotion do I want to show in the track or song I want to make ?"
  • "What feelings do I want people to have more or less when they listen to my song or track?"

If you have the main idea down for you track or song with a good arrangement , your golden !!

                                        The Devil in the details.

There a lot of small little techniques and tips that at the end of the day , will help improve your production as a whole . 

                                                  For example.

A lot newer of music producers will disregard this small and simple technique that will help a boat load in the long run of their music production . EQ higher frequency samples and synths , a lot of times there will be lower frequencies that you can't hear , or are so low in volume , you disregard to do any cleaning up , this is wrong.

Think of your track or song like a car that need to be packed , you want everything to fit in nicely . I'm sure you don't want to just through everything in and go , no . You only want to pack the essentials.

Taking out the low end in higher frequency sounds is very crucial to having a cleaner mix . If you don't , and have higher frequency sounds and samples playing together , these lower frequencies add up and muddy up your mix quite a lot and fast .

The photo example you see below here is the FL studio stock EQ with a low cut (high pass) on it . The amount you need to cut depends on what you feel is the right amount . Remember , music is always subjective in every sense.  Here is a video link that will explain this concept in finer detail.


                                            Last but not least.

Always , always remember to have fun !!! Music is supposed to be enjoyed , if your not confident in what your making or having fun with making music , its most likely the music your trying to make will end bad. Also , if you do see yourself facing a writers block , don't stress to much about it , everyone has it from time to time .

Let me know in the comments if these were helpful and if there are any specific problems you may have , and I will give you the best advice I can . 

Sound engineering services for free to steemian musicians and producers.

Anyone that is interested in improving their mixes or song in general , this is what I can offer. 

  • Mixing and mastering.
  • Editing , to give your track that little extra something.
  • Feedback on what you can do to improve your tracks.
Also it will helps me improve my own mixing and mastering skills , ITS A WIN-WIN.

Contact me and we can talk though my email : [email protected] 

Thank you so much for checking my post ! If you have any questions , I'll be more than happy to answer any you may have . 
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