My First Surgery I Witnessed; My Niche

Firstly I want to give gratitude to God for the gift of life and to @awolesigidoen for organizing this contest

This is the second time I am writing close to 400 words but I believe giving up isn't the best option


I put on my new theatre gown, the one Eric the popular Tailor had taken a whole week to sew.
I looked good on it, or I felt so, because this and that person told me they like the shade of blue of my gown, that it isn't cliche.

So I felt proud and found myself raising my head high, that I almost looked directly at the sun.

As I walked to the theatre to witness my first surgery , in the theatre, they were many doctors on cliche green theatre gowns, preparing for the surgery.

I looked up the name of the surgery, it reads caesarian section , I became happier that I would watch them deliver a mother of her child.

I asked this doctor and that doctor what they were expecting, and they said we are expecting a girl. So I racked my brain, thinking of several names I would give to this new child.

Sharon isn't a bad name, but I prefer synteche[that name I had once seen in the bible in my primary 3 when I was preparing for the regional bible quiz].
I made up my mind I would call her synteche

The surgery began and Enya's Adiemus rocked the air and I wondered whether it had become routine to play music during surgeries especially in Nigeria.

I became impressed with the whole scenarios, with the doctors, the woman to be cut up, and even the nurses who kept saying students move away

I was still impressed until they began to cut the woman with their scapels and forceps and her blood flowed so easily that it trickled on the floor, and they didn't stopped.

They kept on cutting and tearing until water poured out from her womb(uterus).

Then they dipped their hands inside of the woman to look for the baby, and I found the whole thing depressing, and I felt pity for both mother and child.

My pity went away when they pulled synteche out of that womb and she cried and cried and cried and looked white, and I found myself smiling and smiling before I cried too.

The nurses cleaned synteche with oil and showed synteche to her mother and her mother smiled.
Later I wondered whether synteche knew that her mother smiled at her

The End


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