Wonders of the world, are not yet known!

Given the beauty of our world, there are still many other places that have not yet been discovered or that have not yet provided the title of the miracle of light. Many of them were not included in the list, but it is a miracle in any aspect and you should definitely visit. Therefore, not in any particular order, in front of you wonders that are sure once fall into the lists of wonders of the world. And even if they do not get there, they still worth a visit!

Banaue Rice Terraces.Philippines.

The famous rice terraces in the Philippines are man-made, which is why they are a miracle. Built 2,000 years ago by human hands in the rice terraces of Banaue often called Filipinos "the eighth wonder of the world." It is estimated that if all the steps are arranged side by side, they would cover half the globe. To date, many tourists climb on foot through the mountains of Ifugao to see the terraces, which are still used for growing rice and vegetables.

Tower of Hercules. Spain.

As well as the Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt, the Tower of Hercules is an ancient lighthouse. The structure, located in the north-western part of Spain, was built almost 2,000 years ago and is the oldest Roman lighthouse, which is still used for its intended purpose. Tower is rightly considered a national monument of Spain, as well as part of the UNESCO World Heritage list.


The well-preserved medieval towns always are excellent tourist attractions, and the quaint town of Torun in Poland is no exception. Medieval Toruń, a city known mainly by the fact that it is the hometown of the famous astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, incredibly well preserved. Toruń boasts buildings in the medieval style, built of brick, and many of them have remained in their original form. From the church to the town hall and town fortifications.

Meteora. Greece.

Meteora, which means "floating in the air" are fully consistent with its name. This complex, located in Thessaly, Greece, is one of the largest and most famous monasteries of the Orthodox faith. The six monasteries built at the formations of sandstone that rise above the trees high into the sky, which is why monasteries are called meteors. The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is now, while he was not very popular among the tourists to visit this magnificent wonder of the world.


In Asia, there are many breathtaking churches and towns that are unique to this part of the world and Bagan in Myanmar is one of them. Bagan, which many equated in its splendor to Angkor Wat in Cambodia, is an ancient city, which at the time of its heyday housed 10,000 Buddhist temples and pagodas. At the moment, it remains little more than 2000 ancient buildings, but this is more than enough for the city was considered a tourist attraction. The best way to see the city in all its glory? A ride in a balloon, which will take you all over the ancient temples.

Library of Celsus.Turkey.

As well as the Parthenon in Greece, the Celsus Library is only the ruins of the building, but it is still considered a miracle. Library of Celsus is located in Ephesus, it was built in honor of the great Roman senator Julius Celsus. Once stored in the library 12,000 scrolls for public reading. Celsus The remains buried under the main entrance to the library, and exactly what the man was buried in the library is incredibly rare.

Tunnel of Love.Ukraine.

Deep forests Klevan in Ukraine is three-kilometer, grassy section of the railway passing through the corridor of lush dense vegetation. Aptly called the Tunnel of Love has become a favorite backdrop for photos, both amateur and professional photographers. It is believed that if the couple will pass through the tunnel and make a wish, it will come true! How could superstitious as it may sound, many go into the tunnel just to make a their most secret desires.

Red Beach.Panjin.China.

Contrary to what many initially thought to Red Beach in Panjin, China is not really a beach. There is no general line, where there are sea and sand, which would call this area the beach - it's just a kind of seaweed called sueda, which begin to grow in spring, green in summer, and get a nice dark shade of burgundy in the fall. Therefore, the best time to enjoy the view of the miracle (or at least the small part that is open to visitors) is the period from September to November.

Wisteria Tunnel in Kawachi Fuji Gardens.Japan.

If you want to find yourself in a fairy tale, Wisteria Tunnel in Japan is a place that you should definitely visit. This man-made tunnel, made entirely from flowers of wisteria is a passage in pastel fantasy. Of course, the flowers do not bloom all year, so the best time to visit is the second half of the spring, when there passes Wisteria Festival.

Enchanted Well in the Chapada Diamantina National Park.Brazil.

Poco Encantado or Enchanted Well in Brazil really is not well, but who knows whether he really enchanted? Well this is a huge swimming pool filled with amazingly clear water, a few tens of meters deep. It is so transparent that you can see the stones and tree trunks lying in the deepest part of the basin. Waters looks the most beautiful when the sunlight penetrates through a small hole and creates a blue reflection on the water.

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