What I have learned so far on steemit (correct me if im wrong.)

So guys I have been back on steemit since 20th of January, in that time I have done the following.

  • Increased my rep by 1 to (55) thanks to all who upvoted.
  • Increased my SP Vote to 0.12 even though at the moment it says 0.08.
  • Made new friends, Hi @bethwheatcraft @c0ff33a @geordieprepper.
  • Awarded 0.100 sbd to a random commenter on every vlog that I do.

Little significant things that help both me and the community out.

What have I done to better myself.

Easy one that one I have stopped asking people if something I do is right or wrong and just figured out you learn by your mistakes.

What have you learned about steemit?

Ok so I have learned the following things which make it a lot easier to understand.

  • What is Steem? Its a reward that comes from the blockchain platform that rewards good content that is shared with others. Steem can be powered up to increase your over all voting power when curating other posts.

  • What is SBD? Now this is what I think it is, stands for Steem Backed Dollars. Which is a currency with monetary value it was originally worth 1 dollar but has increased in price over time. Steem backed dollars and Steem can be withdrawn and converted into other cryptocurrencies, now I believe that also might be to US Dollars now also on Bittrex. You can withdraw SBD by transferring it to a wallet like Bitrex and then transerring it to Bitcoin then to your local currency fees will be involved.

*What is Steem Power? - Steem Power or SP for shortis basically the Steem you have banked up without powering down, which in turn also gives your upvote value, so the more steem power you bank the more value your upvote is worth. Many people advise not to power down your SP too early as if you intend on keeping using steemit this will vastly devalue your vote, think of it as your pension.
Every time you upvote a post or comment you lose a small percentage from the reward pool, when you are new you can lose value very quickly so its best to upvote ten posts a day no more.

There is a great video that explains this.

  • What is powering down?- Powering down is withdrawing your banked steem but it cannot be withdrawn at once the reason for this is so not to bankrupt the blockchain. So it is done over a 13 week period, (I heard it used to be longer.)

So how does it work,? I'm going to make it simple for the maths.

Lets say that you have 300 steem banked and you power it down. 1 steem in theory is worth 5 USD (theory.)
You power down so what we do is work on the monetary value.

300 x 5 = $1500
1500 / 13 weeks = 115.38.

So the monetary value you would receive is 115.38 usd.
Now what im not sure of is does it power down to SBD or to actual usd, do you have to set up a wallet for it to go into im not sure of that yet.

  • Upvotes take 7 days to pay into your wallet after posting or commenting. The monetary value of the post does not necessarily mean that it will be what goes in the wallet, this is because it will be checked against the current rate on the market.

  • Rewards are as follows 25% of the rewards for a post will go to curators and the author of the post will get 75%.

There are two ways of earning rewards.

Curation and content. So if you leave a thoughtful comment on someone's post you can be rewarded.
If you choose to post content and it is helpful and readers like it, you will be rewarded with upvotes also, which have monetary value.
You can contribute content on Steemit and other sources such as DMania, DLive, DTube, Busy.org. Which are all connected to the blockchain.

What is a Minnow.

Think of a goldfish in the sea, when we start out thats us learning the ropes and building our content and followership, building our rewards and rewarding others.

What is a Whale.

Quite the opposite to a minnow their SP can have a huge impact on a vote. It is interesting also to note that when you reach 500 sp then you can adjust the percentage of your vote. Which means not only can you upvote more than ten a day you are in control over how worthy that post was.
Whales are sought after for upvotes many do not post much or comment but they have a very high hold of steem.

What's next to learn.

Next I plan to learn the following which I will update at some point what I have learned

*Tagging- What is it and how do we use it effectively.

  • Good titles, what is a good title how to make eye catching titles.

  • Good blog structure - How do I make a blog clean and eye catching.

  • Are upvote bots good things.

So how did I do guys did I get the info right if not what did I get wrong and give me the right info.

Thanks so much for reading.

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