10 Truths, 1 Lie -- Can You Pick Which 1 Isn’t True?

Win half the SBD for this post. Be the first to pick the 1 lie and you’ll win!

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The Challenge

This is a relatively new challenge to me. I’ve seen a couple of others here on Steemit pose this question in a post.

The idea behind this challenge is to read the 11 items I’ll post below and pick the ONE that you think is a lie. And only one will be false; all the others will be true statements about me.

I can “thank” @andysantics48 for nominating me to do my own challenge. Fun, fun, Andy! (rolling my eyes!) Actually it is fun so here we go!

Here Are My 11 Statements

  1. I traveled to China and walked on the Great Wall.

  2. Once on a trail ride, the horse I was riding walked off a bridge because he was blind in one eye. We both took a dip in the muddy creek!

  3. I was stung by bees twice in one day when I was pregnant then I fell down the basement stairs later the same day.

  4. In high school I won a trip to Washington DC for writing an essay about rural electricity.

  5. The longest I have lived in one house or apartment as an adult is 7 years.

  6. My hair started going gray in my thirties.

  7. When I chew gum it makes me hungry (starving, like I haven’t eaten in a year).

  8. As a kid, I substituted for my brother when he had a ballgame and delivered papers on his paper route.

  9. I spun around on the ice in the middle of a city street with a cop right there but my car righted itself so I drove away. The cop didn’t stop me or do anything!

  10. I broke my big toe on my left foot when a horse stomped on it while I was brushing him.

  11. I took a class in college that didn’t count toward my major, so I was 3 credits short of graduating. I talked the person at the college into letting it count so I could graduate.

Which One is the Lie?

If you are the first to guess the one that is the lie, you’ll win half the SBD from this post.

Consider upvoting and resteeming this post to raise the SBD for the winner.

Each person gets one guess each! Leave your guess in a comment below and I will let you all know who won at the end of 7 days. Remember, the first person to pick the correct one (the lie) wins.

Nominating More to Play...

As part of the challenge I have to nominate some others to participate as well so I nominate...


to complete this challenge too.

I can't wait to read all of your posts and learn some new facts about you! Have fun!

And thanks again, @andysantics48 for nominating me. This was really fun!!

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