Everyone Can Have A Game or Contest! (its easy and fast!)

Want to create a game or contest and spark your followers to play along?

Its easy and fast. This is the simplified version that anyone can copy and paste and do themselves.


1 Pick a theme and set your questions for them to reply to.

2 Set your contest rules - keep them simple at the start, the simpler the better!

3 Tell them how to play- keep it simple, the simpler the better

4 Engage them by responding to their answers and rewarding them with either comments and/or upvotes

That's it.

Now to encourage everyone to continue reading... I'm going to give away a $0.03 minimum upvote to any valid anwer in the comment section. I will ask 3 questions, and if you answer ALL 3, then I will reward you with a $0.03 upvote.

This is an example of a quick contest creation, using those simple 4 rules above (if you answer in the comment box though I will still reward you with the upvote!)

Title: Let's Have Fun Contest!

***Rules: Answer the 3 questions for a chance to win 1/2 of the SBD that is created from this post. The best answer gets 1/2 of the SBD that is generated from the post and the 2nd best answer gets 1/4 of the SBD generated from the post. ***

How to play: Simple, answer all 3 questions in the comment box!

Question 1: if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
Question 2: what is your favorite car if you could pick any one for free?
Question 3: what country would you most want to vacation in (other than you own)

Please note, upvoting or resteeming are not required but encouraged. If you choose to do so then we will have a larger pot to distribute and potentially more players. Let's have fun!!!

That's it! Now I would like to hear your answers in the comment section and you will get a $0.03 upvote. I will also give the money of this sample post to the winner and the runner up as described in the sample game.

I am doing this for a purpose... Please think about what game or contest you will have... We have some news coming out tomorrow and you will want to know "how to do a simple game"... Its easy and everyone should try. Tomorrow I will tell you more why.

Ps if you have any questions about how to do a game or what you can or can not do, just ask. I like to help you ;)

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