Please help those that Gave All


Helping the homeless is an inner call that most people have, those of us that have a heart anyways. I was brought up to always serve others and it has elevated me in that my life is fulfilled in a humanitarian way. I am by no means what I consider rich, but I am working on it and I believe that someday and soon that God will bless me with the kid of wealth that I can help more people. Why am I just rambling on about helping the homeless? Well because it has come to the news (alternative news) front that many cities seem to be hoping that the homeless problem goes away and how are they doing that by wanting the homeless population to just die off. Why do I say that? Well a city in Ohio, took blankets from homeless people during the dead of winter, while many cities in California are arresting people for providing meals to homeless people. The homeless problem will not go away until we all step up and help.


About 56% of our homeless population are veterans that signed on that dotted line to serve and protect in exchange for certain amenities that they have never received and those that do get them have had to jump through hoops to get them. This was promised to them and yet they are living on the streets with no shelter, food, or medical care. It is a travesty! The other major majority of homeless people are mentally ill. However laws concerning the mentally ill have been altered to the point you cant help them unless they ask for it or are a danger to others which ends them in jail without the healthcare they need.


There is so much that could be done to help end homelessness and myself as the wife of a Marine Corp veteran have met some of these amazing men and women and have been doing what I can to help these people that put their life on the line for our country and our lives to get back on their feet, however as I stated earlier I am by no means rich and could use some help. IF anyone reading this feels so inclined to upvote and resteem please help us raise some money to fund this mission. I have also started a go fund me account that I left a link to below. Please share it on your social media and help us to help those that gave all for us!



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