Your chance to write a satirical poem and win SBDs.
Last monday I opened @kaliberlin. I was quite busy, but finally a new round of the contest is starting. This week it's about dictators. The world is full of them. Some are obvious, some others pretend to be "democrats". But all of them need something very much: Love.
Topic of the week: Speed-dating for dictators
-write a satirical poem about the topic of the week
-8 lines minimum
-32 lines maximum
-the poem can rhyme, but doesn't have to
-no racism, nationalism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
-you have time to submit until this post is paid out (March 2 2018)
-use the tag #nihilisticrainbow as the main tag
-put a link to your post into the comments
-voluntary: resteem this post
-1st 3 SBD
-2nd 2 SBD
-3rd 1 SBD