Splinterlands AMA Summary for October 15, 2021


Splinterlands AMA Summary for October 15, 2021

*Please note: I am covering as much as I can, as fast as I can; there will be typos, and I am copying the questions directly so please forgive any errors. Thank you SO MUCH for coming to my post! If you appreciate this summary, please let me know. I do hope it helps you! Happy Battling! Yippee!


Today's AMA Will Cover with Matt @yabapmatt and @aggroed

  • How are the Servers Going
    • @yabapmatt gave the update: Servers moving smoothly
    • Matt says there are still a few high priority things we need to fix but things are much better
  • Update on Land 672,000 Land Region Sold
    • Matt says he hopes that looks cheap one day. It's exciting! Ours is much more unique and innovative even though other games have the land concept. The land will be very scarce.
  • 150,000 plots total and that will be it
  • Matt is hoping the SPS token holders will make some decisions on if we should increase the land plots further down the line.


Major Development: Chaos Legions Presale

  • We are on track says @cryptomancer.
  • We've done tests on the voucher distributions and the Chaos Legions packs. The bonus is in paying in SPS.
  • The Legionnaire titles will be given out the moment you receive the threshold.
  • The promo card will be provided when the packs are launched.
  • If you buy 2,000 packs you will get TWO Legionnaire titles. The title will count the same as the Untamed titles.
  • The Voucher system: You will need a voucher in addition to the cost. The vouchers will be given out every day based upon your SPS.
  • The presale packs will be part of the airdrop cards, you get the value of that pack and even if you resell that you'll get 14 airdrops. For the presale, there's also going to be an additional discount is if you pay with the SPS tokens.
  • If you are one of the people to purchases the highest number of packs, you'll be helping us design the Legionary Summoners. There will be 6 Legionary summoners and the top six purchasers will get to have that. There will be a leaderboard to see who's purchased the most packs.
  • How do you deal with the fractional value of a voucher?
    • You need one voucher per pack so you'll need to get that fraction of a voucher to 1 in order to purchase the packs.
    • The bonus packs are in addition to the million packs that will drop in the presale. The vouchers will be used for future chaos pack sales and other sales in the game, other potions, benefits, etc. So having extra vouchers is not a bad thing but the best value at this time is to use the vouchers for the presale.
    • The voucher sales will be used for corporate money to pay the Splinterlands company. The voucher may be higher in value than the price of the pack. You are the primary beneficiary of the sale of those vouchers. Hopefully you will make more money than we do as the company. That's what we want. That's part of the design.
  • We will have a neutral legendary that will drop with the packs. Dr. Blight.

Development Update with Matt

  • We have brought on a number of new developers. Matt is with a couple of them right now at the new office.
  • They are getting the new resources up to speed as fast as we can. We will have people working on scalability, on bug fixes, and people working on land. It will take a little while but once we get past that hump I suspect things will just start to flow real fast.

League System: The Wild Format and the Modern Format

  • With the full release with the Chaos Legions. What we'll do is have the Wild format and the Modern format. The wild format will be for any card in the game can be played and the Modern format will be for the new Untamed cards and the Chaos Legions packs. That will make it an even playing field for the new players.
  • The reward pool will be doubled. It will be more rewards for players. You can play in one or both. There will be separate leaderboards with the leaderboards prizes separate and we think that will be really good both for giving more rewards for everybody but not just for the older players but the new players.


-There are over $800,000 for the tournaments! There's a ton of value packed into these tournaments. You want to stake SPS so you can join them, because they have giant prize pools.


Development Questions

  • What is the future for creature and summoner abilities? Should we expect new ones with every card set, or will it be every few sets? Just wondering as I'd assume there can only exist so many abilities within an auto-battler before they become either pointless or way too OP.
    • Yes a few of the new abilities have been released. We tried to do a few new abilities
  • Are there any plans or talks at all about creating a non-auto game mode to potentially expand on capabilities and types of cards?
    • When the land expansion is newly released there will still be an auto battler that will be a pretty significant change to the game. Aside that we have all sorts of different ideas but it comes down to priorities and resources first, but my hope is that we have a lot more development resources coming on board.
  • Can you please confirm if you are still intending to de-link the DEC burn value to the Card Power value now that DEC value is soaring? There is no point in burning a card at current values.

    • We have no intention to de-link them.
  • Any plans to bridge Splinterlands NFTs to ethereum, so that they can potentially be traded on Opensea?

    • That is something we've actually done, but we've disabled it and that's because of gas fees. You have to pay $30 or more to transfer the card to eth. And while we certainly have enough cards to do that, but we didn't have enough volume, but if there is, it's just a matter of turning it back on.
    • What about polygon? There are other options now.
      • Yes, for sure. That's on our roadmap
  • Will the halving ability ever be reprinted? If so, will it be after halfling alchemist leaves the modern format? (expecting the answer to be no due to its lore, but I could be wrong)

    • That's a good question. I didn't plan to have it happen again, but that's not a set in stone thing. It's just up to what we feel is good to do or not.


Chaos Legion/Voucher Questions Questions

  • Will we need vouchers to buy CL cards after the presale?

    • We aren't sure yet, we are looking at maybe half a voucher for the pack. Right now we're just focused on the presale then we will design out what will happen. We will use vouchers to help meter out the packs for a little while, but the most value will be during the presale.
  • What's the difference between Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers (also difference between Dice/Untamed packs).. Aren't both just packs with cards?

    • Yes the Riftwatchers are more like the Dice where it's purchased with DEC. The hope is that the community is part of this as well. Basically all the money that comes into those packs goes back into the community holders. The details are still TBA. So the main issue is, is this something for the Splinterlands company to make money or just out to the player base.
  • will we have a 5% rebate in buying presale CL packs from referral using Credits ?
    • Not for Riftwatchers but they will work for the presale of Chaos Legions. They should work for any currency that is going to be changed (DEC was not part of that before)

What are the actual benefits (except for those who can buy 1000 packs) for buying pre-sales since the prices will be the same at official lunch?

  • Is it possible to use BUSD to buy Chaos Legion Packs during the presale?

    • Yes. Absolutely
  • Will there be a second voucher airdrop phase right after the first one for the next 1million packs?

    • TBA
    • We will have another white paper out after the presale
  • Can you still avail the bundle discount if you purchased the voucher instead of acquiring it through airdrop? For example you bought 100 vouchers, will you be qualified for the 10 free packs? And is this the same for the promo card? Thanks

    • Doesn't matter how you got them, you just want to spend the vouchers. The bundle discount is for the pack purchase.
  • Can I stake during the presale and still get a voucher? Or do I need to stake before the presale in order to receive the voucher?

    • When does the voucher system begin? It will begin on October 18th daily but not sure exactly what time on that day. You'll get it similar to the current airdrop like SPS.
  • Will the modern format have lower power requirements? Will the dec per win differ in both formats?
    • Currently we're not planning on that but these are things to be watched and adjusted.
    • W
  • Will the voucher price/history be listed on Coinmarketcap? The graphics on hive engine can be misleading because they are in HIVE.

Does the team already know which Dice / Untamed / Chaos rewards cards will be selected to be the new starter deck for modern format? If so, can we get a sneak peek at what the new starter deck may be?
- It doesn't matter when you register, once chaos legions is released, it won't matter what they have, it will be the cards from Chaos Legions.

  • Are all of the cards that are given as a bonus for purchasing bulk quantities (such as the bonus for buying 100 packs at once) included in the 15 million cards? Or will there technically be more than 15 million, including the bonus packs for bulk purchases?
    • They all come out of the pool of 15 million packs and NO MORE.
  • to get the guaranteed promo card for buying 50 cl packs does it all have to come from the in game store or can some come from 3rd party stores like hive?

    • Only if you are the one directly purchasing the packs. It just looks at who purchased the packs, not where they currently are.
  • I plan to purchase 100 CL packs. Where do I purchase the vouchers in order to buy those 100 CL packs?

    • First you'll get airdrop vouchers, and WAX doesn't use any fungible tokens there but HIVE Engine and Tribal Dex.
  • how big of a reduction is the power requirements for modern format? Is it possible to decrease it by 50%?

    • Doesn't sound like there will be any.
  • Do bonus packs received during the pre-sale, but after the original 1M packs, count for the pre-sale promo? E.g. if I buy 0 packs until the last day of the pre-sale and amass 100 vouchers, then use them all when there are 100 presale packs left, do the 10 extra packs I get (for buying 100 packs at once) each have a 2% chance for the pre-sale promo?

    • Yes
  • On normal sales, is no voucher needed?

    • The exact details will be published. For some amount of time going forward we still plan to meter out the voucher system but at some point we will remove the voucher system completely.
    • Perhaps bonus packs have to have vouchers (just something we are talking about).
    • We're actually trying to meter out how much money we make from this to slow it down.
  • When will Chaos Legion pre-sale packs and titles count towards the SPS airdrop? Right when the pre-sale is live and these are in an account? After pre-sale?

    • a
  • Will there be new skillset among new cards?

  • Can you give us any hints about possible use cases for vouchers post-CL presale? Maybe you could talk about short-term and long-term vision?


SPS / Airdrop / Staking Questions

  • Will there be a sps burning mechanism soon? Based on the whitepaper, I didn't find any. Thanks in advance.

    • Not at this time
  • My SPT is in my Hive Engine Wallet but it's not being counted for Airdrop. How do you include SPT for the airdrop? Thanks in advance.

    • Submit for help request.
  • Is there an incentive for the people who staked longer than someone who will stake on the day of the pre-sale?

    • The better question is, will it matter when you stake it? Staked tokens earn a return so the person who staked a month ago will have earned more of a return as far as the vouchers are concerned it doesn't matter.
  • In the SPS whitepaper it says that 6,250,000 SPS will be given out each month for the Land Expansion. Is that going to be like an airdrop to each landowner? Or is it earned by working the land?

    • That's part of the economy design of the land expansion. An airdrop would be kind of boring and I would like it to be more involved.
  • The Chaos White Paper says that vouchers will likely be used after the presale. Will the daily voucher drop rate be the same rate of 33,000 vouchers daily?

    • It will likely change
  • For the SPS ranked battles, the release of SPS is going to still start at 7.5 mil per month, right? I want to say that but I'm not sure I can, given this chart which shows all of the tokens being released at the same time. Will it be shifted over or will there be a massive influx of SPS in the SPS reward pool on the first month (since it is starting 2 months after SPS airdrop)?

    • It will still star- t at 7.5 million per month. We would like to get out more details about that. It looks like it all starts at the same time but in reality that's not the case. Everything is going to start whenever it is released as day one and we will start reducing monthly from there.
  • How many airdrop points does the legionnaire title give?

    • 100,000
  • Is there a timeline for SPS Drops for Brawls? Seems like adding it first would be a great DEC sink with voucher drop

    • Well @cryptomancer is our brawls guy and he's working on Chaos Legions right now. Ultimately there will be SPS and potentially other things built in. I don't know the timeline yet.
  • Are Gladius packs and cards counted for SPS airdrops?

    • Good question, I'm not sure. Matt pointed out he doesn't know everything which is a good indicator as to how much this game is growing. Matt used to know it all, but now the game is growing so much, he isn't sure of all the details.
  • Do you think you weighted the value of DEC too heavily in the airdrop? I’ve been staking everything I’ve earnt and have bought a lot more. There’s really no reason for me to not swap it all for DEC. The tournament entry is a wash because even though I have enough to enter silver league tournaments I just get smashed by diamond league players. As for the vouchers, even if vouchers cost $20 I’ll still earn enough sps in the airdrop by swapping to DEC to buy more vouchers than I’ll get in the drop. You’ve said that want people to stake as much sps as possible, but I really don’t see the value in staking my SPS over swapping it to DEC., even with the DEC price pump and potential collapse.

    • Ultimately it's what people decide are the best use of their funds and what they do. Obviously things haven't been going too badly. It may be weighed too heavily but the market will make it all work out.


Renting Questions

  • I know for some of the tournaments there is a power requirement to enter but if you have cards rented out then it takes away from your power to be able to enter. Are there any plans to make splinterlands tournament power requirements to include rented cards so you can compete and not affect your rental income?

    • No. That's not part of your CP if you're renting out the cards.
  • Any plans to allow cards to be playable whilst advertised for sale/rent?

    • No if you're putting your cards up for sale and there's also some technical things that could cause flees and stuff. So if you're putting your cards on the market, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
  • Any way to improve the speed of transactions? It can be frustrating trying to rent cards that take 15 seconds to tell you someone already took it.

    • There are ways in a sense in moving to other chains. The transaction times are pretty quick but if you're trying to grab market opportunities, there are people competing. There's always room for us to make the UI better. @jarvie is doing a LOT of work to make the rental experience better.


UPDATE on Rental Cards and a new system used on PeakMonsters

HERE IS @jarvie
- We may have a solution here! I help run @peakmonsters . We create a lot of tools for cards to buy and rental system we worked with Matt. And now we're working on a rental bid system to go with that.
- We have a lot of testing going on but should be for next season I suppose. You'll be able to do two different type of bids for rental cards. You can bid on individual monsters for specific DEC and another will be to bid per collection power. As soon as their collection power has been reached, they are no longer the highest bidder. Same with the card. Once you get that card for your highest bid then you are done and it goes through it sequentially. And each day we'll make sure you have the card that you need.
- Matt has designed it so that 3rd party have authority so that we can rent on your behave.
- It should help stabilize prices and people trying like 20 times and fail in a row because you're just not fast enough. You need to go to the 5th best deal, but with the bids, we hope you will be fast enough to get what you need.

  • Do you guys pretend to set a "tax" to the ones who cancel rents before the season ends? If not, could you do this?
  • Would a feature wherein you are able to cancel a rental during a 1 minute time frame after the transaction be possible? Or maybe not complete the transaction after that minute? (This is corna's idea lol)


Eye Candy from Nate

  • Here comes @nateaguila with some eye candy
  • Here's a Chaos Legion showing a logo with some of the new characters that will be introduced on the set.


  • Here's the gate awaiting Chaos


  • Here's Dr. Blight


Here's Dr. Blight animated! Yippee!!


Tome of Chaos: It's an essential hub and what we're going to do for stories with Chaos Legions.


Here's a link to where stories about Chaos Legions will be uploaded. This first story will be about the origins of Dr. Blight: https://www.splintertalk.io/@splinterlands/tome-of-chaos-the-collection



Every Friday around noontime Eastern Time (EST) there will be a new story added ALONG WITH AN NFT!!! And then the next few days there will be a surprise NFT drop about the story posted on Friday. We are looking at dropping about 500 of these at $50 a piece so set your clocks at Friday at noon!




And we have a TRAILER to kick off the presale!! We pulled this together in two weeks! Hats off to those who helped with the script writing, the animations, the artists, etc.


Other Questions

  • How do you recognize cards that have been converted from alpha to beta?
    • Have weird conversion rates
  • I know it's still too early to ask but I want to know what will be the estimated price range of riftwatchers because currently the dec value is comparatively higher than months ago when azmire dice was released.
    • We will change it to market value. I want it to include the vouchers but who knows.
  • With the Chaos Legion about to infiltrate the Splinterlands, I am sure the land expansion will
    have a lower priority currently, but still many are extremely hyped for this. In the previous AMAs I have heard you mention Guilds are about to play a bigger role.
    • Is this in relation to the companies we could form through working the landscape?
    • Is there a consensus on how Guilds could play a more important role when accessing the Land will be around the corner?
    • ANSWER: That stuff all comes into land phase 3. We have to get land out and not just the tokens, but the land resources and then you have to start using them and then you have to craft and then how guilds get in but that is definitely on the road map.
  • The fact that trample ability does not work in super sneak mode is intentional? If so, why is it not described in the ability? Thanks.

    • It tramples the last monster. You don't trample up so there's no one left to trample.
  • On lands, how many Summoner & Monster cards will be able to be parked on them? 1 summoner and 6 monster cards like in a battle?

    • I don't believe it will be a full 6 until we have that rolled out we don't know.
  • What will be available first: wild or modern?
    • If we can't get wild and modern we will just have wild.
  • Can guilds be set up with an auto tithe feature? i.e. x% of your matches goes towards guild buildings and gets capped at a set amount (or not)
    • We could probably do something like that but it's not a priority.
  • What is maverick status and how do we get it. Also do we only get the chaos title if we get 1000 packs in pre-sale or we get it if we buy the packs after pre-sale
    • Just status in Discord. If you purchase 1000 packs you will be on that channel. I interact in that group as well as the Devs. If you want to be an OG whale, it doesn't really count until you're a Maverick but you MUST buy from Splinterlands not 3rd party market.
  • What about a +5% DEC bonus for winning without losing a single card / "flawless victory" clean sweep. Bonus idea add a sweet banner/animation to celebrate also
    • Yes
  • Can we have some sort of rating system for players who rent cards (for renter and rentee) for people who cancel before the time is up? Or a way to mark / tag users so one can know who not to rent from or to due to cancellations? Honestly, if I rent a card for 3 days , I want to rent that card for 3 days, not 2 days.
    • Not going to get into renting the rental. You can start it up if you want.
  • I guess one of my biggest frustrations with the game is that every day it is a surprise to see which rentals got cancelled. In the previous ama Matt was looking into the option to rent cards for a specific time. Like a week or so. What i would like to see is the option to rent until current season end. This way you can build your deck for any season, without any overlap. So you are able to switch splinters the next season. This would make it much more convenient for the renter, and the one renting cards out can choose if they want to use this option or not.

    • It's on the radar but I don't know when it gets in.
  • Hello, I have a suggestion since there is an alarming rate of accounts being hacked.
    Is it possible to introduce a new feature so we could lock DEC like how we lock cards or our staked sps? so hackers can't transfer DEC easily.
    • We could probably add that?
  • Can you offer an option to those renting out their cards, that allows them to specify a time duration that the card is available? (example, 1 day)
    • Maybe
  • Can brawls get a voucher drop pool?
    • No just for SPS stakers
  • Considering the price of Regions, can we add an extra security like a lock system similar to what cards have now? (Congratulations on that $700K sale on the region!)
    • That's something we should put in
  • Could you make it so that each player has an opportunity to purchase a minimum number of packs (even 1??) and then if they don't do so by a certain date they are kicked to the broader, voucher managed pool?
    • Note: The problem with this approach would be that every registered spellbook gets this opportunity and for those who have multiple (tons) of accounts, this would be a way to bypass vouchers for a huge number of accounts. Here I am shooting down my own idea, but we were brainstorming ways to try and be a bit more inclusive... Any thoughts would be appreciated!
    • If you own a voucher, you can own a pack. There's no rush if you have that voucher.
  • Could you technically add 2fa for active key transactions by having the splinterlands server only accept transactions with the correct code? Like, transactions which don’t have the correct code are ignored?
    • We've talked some about this.


Rapid Fire Questions

  • Question: If we know people are matching vs their own alternate accounts for boosts on purpose, can we report this sort of activity?

    • This particular player for example, has abused this multiple times already. Two of the instances is from this current season as well.

    • It just seems that there should be some sort of deterrence, prevention, or punishment for illegitimate competition. I have already been cheated out of $100s myself. Corna can say the same, and probably many others.

    • ANSWER: Yeah, so I'm not entirely certain what I want to go do with this. I don't want to be in a position where I have to go ban accounts.

  • QUESTION will older promo codes that werent redeemed due to supply shortage be able to be used in CL or is there a still a way to receive the packs and promo cards from those codes

    • ANSWER: The old promo codes will still work and you'll have the new summoners in there if you happen to have some codes.
  • QUESTION: When wil be full release of CL? The week after 5th week in the presale?
    • ANSWER: IDK. Cryptomancer has been working so much. Once it's all live we will assess the next piece. It's a good target.
  • QUESTION: How big is the impact of spells and items in game? Considering that not all players have lands, and not having access to spells and items.

    • ANSWER: You're all gonna have access to spells and items.
  • QUESTION: Hey aggy when are we going to address trophy feeding? It is becoming a HUGE problem on leaderboards. Happened so many seasons and seems real unethical. I'm pretty sure you said that you will address it when it becomes a problem before during a end of season ama and I feel like it is becoming one.

  • Could we just ban them from ranked rewards?

    • ANSWER: Yeah it's bad, we should put them in tournament planning. IDK. Find some concensus with some of the other players. We need to look at what is the problem and what are the fixes.
  • QUESTION: ETA for Riftwatch??

  • Question: after choas , is it the frozen throne era?
    • ANSWER: Next pack series after Riftwatchers is Rebellion
  • QUESTION: When is "The SplinterLands Movie" coming out and will the Cube Mind be destroyed in it?

    • ANSWER: A comic book going and then a movie
  • QUESTION: Can vouchers name be changed to Time Crystals?
    • ANSWER: Time Crystals? Yeah maybe. Toshis? I was thinking voucher name should be removed and be more thematic.
  • Question: If i buy packs on day 1 of the presale, when will I start receiving the 300 airdrop points per pack?

    • ANSWER: The second you have packs

  1. Have you guys gone through a SOC audit or similar?

  2. Have you considered adding First Edition watermarks to Chaos Legion presale or future presale sets? What do you think are the biggest pros and cons of this sort of collector’s feature.

  3. What sort of changes are in the works for the rental and EoS issues

  4. Given the massive rise in DEC value, is there any plan to change the soft peg or algorithm that determines supply creation?

  5. Do you have any plans to replace staking requirements for tournaments for Voucher payment given Vouchers are a function of staking?

  6. Are there any plans to integrate the new ONEUP front-end into Splinterlands similar to Splintertalk?

  7. Do we have guaranteed airdrop pack limits yet for the airdrop cards similar to last release?

  8. Any thoughts on MFA requirements? Keychain is great but MFA in addition is better.

    • ANSWER: (1) IDK what that stands for (2) I don't really want to do that. The problem with this is you go from a new car lot to a used car lot. You're not just searching for the Lord of Darkness but now you're searching for the watermark Lord of Darkness. It gets a lot more complicated. Maybe that's okay and maybe we'll test it somewhere. Maybe there's some kind of NFT watermark you own. IDK. I'm not promising stuff like that but that's my thinking (3) Should be done. (4) No we don't just react to markets. We are not a reactionary bunch. We set the rules and some development that changes the rules or if it's broken we're gonna fix it but if the market goes up or down we're not going to change it. (5) I wouldn't replace the staking requirements but I could potentially switch to vouchers as payment. It's always around what devs can do. (6) No, that's completely separate and their own thing. (7) I don't. (8) IDK what MFA stands for
  • QUESTION: rentals - do you plan to also add "binding" rent for X days that cant be canceled? To compare current being "1day with renewal"
    • A: IDK where we are on that
  • QUESTION: Doesn't having voucher requirements AFTER Pre-Sale defeats the purpose of helping new players to get ahead? as its impossible they will have enough voucher to compete with older players with much better collection. I get the pre-sale is to reward older players but having it after pre sale really is no different from the situation newer players are facing now….expensive, unattainable packs.
    • A: I'm not going to turn and say buy packs. If you're a brand new player go find out what the best cards are at certain levels. Don't go buy packs because it's kind of dumb. If you want to be certain you want to play, don't buy packs.
  • QUESTION: will rental contracts finally overhauled, since the "recent" changes put pressure to the last day of the season?
    If a contract is made and you cancel them before EoS you should be get maybe a no re-rental penalty (cant rent a card you've cancelled) or you can't cancel them at all before EoS.

    • No not doing stuff like that
  • QUESTION: Have you thought about fixing quest potions problem but making them percentage of the actual quest price. So 75 cents in bronze league for example with 100% of normal price would be one extra chest and in gold 3 it would be 6 extra chests. That would motivate people to climb leagues and buy cards.

    • ANSWER: Quest potions were broken and we're not going to do that.
  • QUESTION: Is amplify a unique ability for Venari Heatsmith showcasing the advanced smithing ability of the race, or is that an ability you plan to give more cards? Given it’s a common I would think the latter
    • ANSWER: I don't think a common card is going to get it's own unique ability
  • QUESTION: Will both ranked ladders (new and old cards leagues) have both rewards SPS and DEC?

    • ANSWER: Yes that's the plan
  • Question: Are you all planning on reinstating the ability to purchase credits in the mobile app?

    • ANSWER: Yes, there's usually problems on the mobile app through PAYPAL.
  • Question: what is the balancing period going to look like after cards are live?

    • ANSWER: IDK maybe a week, we'll just have to see. Our balancing system is pretty good.
  • Question
    Do you have any plan to increase the rank of the rewards (leaderborad)

    • ANSWER: No I don't
  • QUESTION: If/when other big players like WotC (Magic:The Gathering) come to chain gaming what is Splinterlands doing to ensure that it remains the 'big dog' in the scene?
    • ANSWER: Well, we're just trying to be the biggest, coolest freaking game out there.
  • QUESTION: Will there ever be another land sale?
    • ANSWER: Yes, there could be another land sale but it will be different
  • QUESTION: Hi I have a question. A month ago I have made a transaction for buying some Dec with Hive Keychain. I didn't receive the Dec. I have already sent a ticket for the problem. I would know how much time is required for solving this kind of problem? Thanks!
    • ANSWER: You can't buy DEC with a HIVE KEYCHAIN.
  • Question: is there any chance that my own cards will have more airdrop points than dec? I think collection power should have more pts in the airdrop though
    • ANSWER: IDK the system is the system. I don't know how much DEC you hold.
  • QUESTION: can we divide land in the future?
    • Answer: Yes
  • QUESTION: How are the 'deals' looking with outside companies?
    • AMAZING. I can't tell you more.
  • QUESTION: what are the benefits of owning a guild and it is worth it for a player to take that on?

    • ANSWER: You get a lot of discounts from owning your own guild.
  • Question: if my friend gave me his account (without keys because he forgot to save his keys upon requesting) can i transfer assets through renting? Is this bannable?

    • ANSWER : IDK what you mean, but if you're doing stupid rental contracts to get DEC out of them then yes.
  • QUESTION: Do you have plan for card spoilers during presale? Expected something today to hype up weekend before presale
    • ANSWER: You have the whole trailer! GET THAT OUT THERE! As for the cards, they haven't all been built yet.
  • QUESTION: Do you imagine splinterlands will stay on Hive forever or would you consider moving to something like Polygon or Solana?
    • ANSWER: We are not dollar value the biggest but we're doing 3 times what the ETH is doing.
  • QUESTION: Is the plan for collection power to continue to decrease in future card sets? Is it possible the older sets could have their collection power raised while the newest set always has the same CP value?
    • ANSWER: We're not going back and change every card produced until now. That's nutty! Sometimes you guys are nutty! I don't know if we're going to keep decreasing the CP.
  • QUESTION- will all land plots be worth $500?; are some land plots going to be insanely valuable while others are almost worthless?
    • ANSWER: I can't tell you. Who knows?
  • QUESTION: i buy credits for 50 packs but i do not have vouchers. what should i do ?
    • ANSWER: You should buy vouchers. No one has them yet, but you will need vouchers.
  • Question - is it possible that wild format could have some type of entry barrier (SPS/CP/etc)?
    (I'm thinking that "spellbook-only" accounts don't really justify playing in both ladders.)
    • ANSWER: Well it's CP, so there's still collection power stuff.
  • Question: Would future land sales sell the exact same type of land thats available now or would that land be different?
    • ANSWER: To me that would be different and I don't see any other land sales coming soon.
  • QUESTION: Will modern and wild DQ be seperate? Or do we get one daily and choose where to complete it?

    • IDK
  • Question: are there any plans to bring sps to sites like coinbase where they can be bought directly?
    • ANSWER: Yes, more exchanges will list us but that's up to them.
  • QUESTION: Question: Will land always be worth 10,000 airdrop points?
    • ANSWER: Well it will stop when airdrops stop
  • Question: when will splinterland land be live and running on opensea ?
    • ANSWER: Opensea is not a high priority because of the gas prices but with the land value it might make sense.
  • Question , Actually a suggestion on New NFTs for the story thats is release every week, It could require Vouchers aswell and give it more utility. Awesome job of the Team as always
    • ANSWER: Yeah possibly
  • Question: When can we see the stats of Doctor Blight?
  • Question: 2~3 weeks ago in the AMA there was mention of SPS rewards coming in battles "very soon". Understandably there have been things ahead in priority, but now that the team has made so much progress do you have an update on SPS rewards?
    -ANSWER: IDK we'll get there. It's a high priority.
  • QUESTION: Guild Brawls take 48 hours to set up your fray, and 48 hours to enter your battles. Do you plan on decreasing the total prep time and time to enter battles to 24h or 36h?

    • ANSWER: We had it faster and you yelled at us. Everyone wants it differently.



"What do you think I am? Communist, Russia?"
"That's nutty! Sometimes you guys are nutty!"
"OBSERVATION: AMAs are like going to Splinterland's Church. Gives me a lot of faith in the project." (Discord Splinterlands Member williamhessian)

If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rosiew

Please remember my post is not meant to be financial advice and is just my opinion.
Follow These Folks:
Splinterlands: @splinterlands/
Monster-Curator: @monster-curator/
1Up (#OneUp): https://www.1up.zone/
Here are some great links to join as well!
Splinterlands Discord: https://discord.gg/Tw7KjNsQGs
Monster Market Discord (Monster Curator): https://discord.gg/DR3J9rfRFV
PeakD Discord (PeakMonsters as well): https://discord.gg/7mQmzZeugE
NFT Studios Discord (aka 1UP Discord #OneUp): https://discord.gg/4VYBcNuVQd

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