How do you defend yourself from unwanted parenting advice?

Image source: Pixabay

Whenever I see or hear someone reprimanding a mother, I get annoyed. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, I am fine with that, as long as they keep them to themselves and don't start pointing fingers at others.

Everyone is responsible for his own offspring and no one knows better than the parent himself why the child is behaving in a certain way. Thus, each time I see a young mother ignoring her child's tantrum, I feel like giving her a hug, because I know how she must be feeling.

I love it when I see the mother staying calm, showing to the child that she is in control. I am aware that she must be tired and annoyed by her child's behaviour and that she is simply trying not to create a precedent.

Kids can get easily upset and have a tantrum or a meltdown for different reasons. They could be tired, hungry, irritated or dealing with a sort of frustration. They could have asked for a toy and since they got a negative response, they could try to influence the parent's decision with an outburst. Learning how to deal with frustration takes time. The smallest thing can trigger a huge drama.

Unfortunately not everyone sees things the same way as I do. Some people think that they are entitled to give advises to others, even if they do not have a full understanding of the situation. Or that they can interfere and tell the mother to take better care of her child.

Honestly, I prefer those that chose to raise an eyebrow or stare because they can be easily ignored. But what do you when someone insists on giving you a piece of their mind? Do you politely brush them off or you simply tell them it's not their damn business?

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