Pay It Forward Curation Contest – Week 6

This is my entry to: Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 6 by @thedarkhorse

All of my choices for this week's contest are of Amazing Artists!

@lightcaptured (44) EU
It was their photo of a peacock feather that made me stop and take notice. I have seen many, many images and photos of feathers, but this one made me stop and catch my breath. This artist takes me on their travels to places I'll never see, and makes me want to see them!
Their photo of the Black Sea made me catch my breath too!

@wildflowerjessi (49)
A henna artist like I've never seen before! Henna designs on bodies, yes, I've seen a lot of those and hers are fabulous, but here she is showing her painted designs on canvas on a much larger scale. They are pretty wow! (I wanted to enter her in the contest before she tipped over the 50 mark!)

@stormyowl (25) Western US
Full disclosure - stormyowl is my friend in real life. She takes the most amazing photographs of the natural world and makes me see them in a whole new way. She has started posting here again after a brief absense (even though she is the one who introduced me to Steemit!) and I would like to encourage her to share more of her vision with us.

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