Everybody Loves Flowers!
That's the theme for
@killerwhale's KillerPix Contest
Enter Yours Here!
@kerrislravenhill - Rep: 46 - Joined: August 2017
I met Kerri by chance through the #steemsilvergold community. I had seen her using #thealliance tag, but since she was not a member, did not pay it much attention. She had made a comment on, I believe it was @thedamus' post a few months ago, that threw me for a loop. It was very creative and had a strong ninja/pirate flavor that I do so much enjoy. After I started following her, there was a post about a month ago that really stood out where she did a badass samurai unboxing. I love her way of describing her 'booty'. Check out her latest:
Chronicles of the Bloody Raven:
Episode 5 - Part 2 NEMESIS

@heclgang - Rep: 41 - Joined: April 2018
This account, I was actually referred to by another new-to-me Steempeep, @lanmower. I had noticed his humor in various discord servers and thought I would give him a closer look. He referred me to another account - @heclgang. The Gang is comprised of 'SteemPunk' humor and their first post seriously had me rolling. The one they came out with a few days ago was just as good, maybe even better. If you are looking for some good comical posts, you've found some. Check out their most recent:
Did You Know That STEEM
Is Actually in the Vatican?

@crisangel - Rep: 52 - Joined: December 2017
I can't say enough nice things about this guy. He has been instrumental in coordinating the upbringing of the Latino community in #thealliance by helping going through applications, guiding people to be better Steempeeps in the classroom and even on the playground. Not to mention being a valued family member himself! I am 'paying it forward' with him for a vital reason. His compassion and humanity.
Compassion and Humanity.
He had asked me about 3 weeks ago to bring a fundraising initiative to the attention of @youarehope. It isn't much different than what @malos10 and @rapo are doing and it's even in the same place, in Venezuela. It is headed up by @ropavejero and the initiative involves fixing up schools. Where Cris comes in is he is the English speaking representative for the Ropavejero Education Project(s).
What To Do
I had asked @sircork a couple times to check into it, as it was in perfect alignment with what they were already doing. Sadly, it was denied YAH assistance as they were unfortunately already stretched too thin with their resources. You'll notice the #teamgood tag down there @battleaxe, that's because I am giving half of the SBD's generated from this post to @crisangel to be used for that project. So I'm calling on each of you to blast that vote to 100 and resteem the fire outta this post. Let's get them some exposure and help them out like the good Steempeeps we are. I bought a decent vote for this post by Cris and you can follow him and his blog to stay up to date on their advancements. Here is the most recent update:
Progress of Educative Ropavejero IV.

You already know I have to include the OG P.I.M.P.
in my shoutouts. She wrote a post about the way she curates called Crafting Paragraphs on Your Posts where she divulges her preferred style of a blog. She is probably right, it is, after all, a blog post, where you want to retain the reader's interest. If it was a journal or report, I'm sure different rules would apply. Love you Shadow! Hopefully, what I have written here falls within your personally acquired tastes and you read it all he he he.

You are killing me with these Fireflies Stories! I'm all like, stop hanging me off a damn cliff every time! Smart though, keeps your readers coming back to find out what happens next. Great job with both the story telling and break points of it. Am looking forward to getting my T-Shirts too. Much love Cap'n! 



@saffisara, @snook, and @c0ff33a
Always super supportive and caring, there isn't a day that goes by her (@saffisara) and my big sis (@snook) aren't checking up on me. You two really keep me going, ya know? Highly encouraging and thoughtful like @c0ff33a's comments. I think that guy is like a machine. I swear, almost EVERY post I visit he has already been to and I feel almost late to the punch. Good on you brother, got mad love for all three of you.
Are you familiar with @buddyup? It's another quiet supportive initiative, similar in many aspects, to what we do @thealliance.
@calumam is also joining us in #thealliance as our ideals are aligned pretty well. I've seen them in PYPT quite often and they just reached out to me at the beginning of week to talk some turkey. Much respect on that. I look forward to engaging with you more as time goes on. Feel free to check out some poetry!


@mariannewest (@freewritehouse)
Wanted to give you a quick shout because you and @snook are participating in a challenge where you both showed me much love. Your post, 5 Witnesses and My Why made me feel so appreciated! That's the kind of impression and feels I am hoping to portray across the whole of all STEEM platforms. This is a social network, and we need 'me', (and not in a high-horse manner) the 'social witnesses', to ensure it's mass adoption. This is, after all, a social network and thank you again for pointing that out sweets.
Have a Good Weekend
Some of you know, my older princesses are sick and they are both laying down giving me time to compose this. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads this and a final shout out to my Steemit Princess - @katrina-ariel. Hopefully, this week, we can get together and become acquainted better. Nature does what it does and we both have had family illness. Not fun. So go have some fun! All of you! And don't forget to be YOU! STeeM oN my peoples.

@liberty-minded made this badass gif