Pay It Forward Contest Week 3 Entry by fitinfun

Pay It Forward Contest week 3 Entry by fitinfun.jpg

I had great results with this Pay It Forward Contest last week and expect nothing less this week! I am so thankful to @thedarkhorse for all of his efforts to run this contest.

Go here for this week's contest entry post:
Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 3 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty

I believe we need minnows to succeed here for steemit to grow and so I'm doing my best with the entries. I have to nominate three blogging steemers with under 50 Reputation for this entry. My bloggers all have this in common:

  • Interesting lives, passions and posts
  • They post over 6 times a week
  • I already pay attention to them

Without further ado, here they are:

@reonlouw Rep 50 - Whew! Just got in.

I know @reonlouw from @kryptonia and we both work on each other's posts from there and earn SUP Coin along with our SBD and STEEM for preforming the EXACT SAME tasks we would be doing anyway with only the steemit money coming in. Any active steemer who is not on Kyrptonia is making a big mistake.

Using Kryptonia to earn SUP coins and steemit upvotes at the same time

Both @reonlouw and I are doing very well @kryptonia. Please join us! Almost no extra work for excellent rewards.

@reonlouw is in South Africa and blogs about family, poverty/giving in his local area, Christianity and other interesting topics. I upvote and comment on his posts almost daily and get a lot out of that activity. He's very thoughtful and wants to know what everyone is reading.

Pay It Forward Contest week 3 Entry reonlouw by fitinfun.jpg

@starzy Rep 48

I know @starzy from the freewrite tag and she has great posts from the Filipina angle. I'm in SE Asia and I am interested in anyone else in this general area of the world. The more I see of the Philippines, the more I want to go there. I see family, hard work, and good times on @starzy's feed.

Pay It Forward Contest week 3 Entry starzy by fitinfun.jpg

@starzy posts, comments, mingles, is thankful, and enters contests and challenges. I know she will enter this one! @starzy also posts photos of her local area, knows about money and crypto, and swims!!!! I love all swimmers.

This is me!

fitinfun How often do you have to exercise sharon2.jpg

@codycookston Rep 33

Pay It Forward Contest week 3 Entry codycookston by fitinfun.jpg

Cody resteemed the ants I ate even though he does not want to eat them! He's posting, and commenting, and replying, and networking, and doing what I tell him to do (!) like a champ! He just got here and does not have a lot of time, so I try to give him a lot of tutorials - but not too many!

Cody was my tsu-child when that used to mean something on that platform. But it turns out to mean even more for our lives since meeting on tsu. Cody and I are friends on many platforms now and he is the guy you want to have your back. It would take me a long list to tell you how much Cody has done for me over the years now.

@bxlphabet is thrilled to finally have a brother.

Cody lives in Tennessee and sells old stuff from there on eBay. This is things like signs, glass, and art, etc... One man's junk hangs on another man's wall!

Cody is a mover and a shaker in that arena and we could all learn a thing or two from his level of hard work. Here is the eBay shipping that made Cody have to take a nap after it was done the other day. People want what Cody's got!

cody shipping.PNG

Contest Requirement!

Now I have to pick a post to feature from each of these steemers. I have commented, upvoted and resteemed all of these posts.

The Start of @reonlouw's Four Part Parenting Series
This was a wonderful series and all the four posts are still active so you can upvote any one of them - or all four of them! You will see @reonlouw's openness and devotion to his family in these posts.

A Fun Pizza Party with @starzy's co-workers looking happy
I chose a post with happy office-mates and close-ups of the food for a celebration off of @startzy's feed. If you have to work somewhere, @starzy seems to have it good! And definitely be sure to read her writing and do freewrite yourself for good times.

Strangely Beautiful Art from @codycookston
Cody's art always surprises me. This good ol' boy from the country has got it going on. I wish I was so creative and talented!

Now is is your turn to enter this rewarding contest. Here's how you can:

Pay It Forward Contest How to enter by fitinfun.jpg

The post is the hard part!

Pay It Forward Contest How to Write your Post by fitinfun.jpg

Here is my post from last week - it took me two weeks to do it!!!!!!

Pay It Forward Contest Entry by fitinfun
Pay It Forward Contest week 2 Entry repeat by fitinfun.jpg

Last week I featured:
@mariannewest - freewrite - talented guy in France
@mikesthoughts - he can make your photos look better

I hope all of them are entering this contest now and promoting it after that excitement!

I'm better at doing this contest now.

This week only took three days.

Next week will take less time. I'm in this for the long haul.

@steembasicincome giveaway - not required!

It's only me...
Not part of the contest.

I'm giving each of my picks this week a share in @steembasicincome because I am on fire for the idea and have STEEM burning a hole in my pocket these days!

sbi giveway fitinfun3.PNG

Steembasicincome sbi giveaway everyday fitinfun.jpg

Find out more about @steembasicincome in this post:

Why I am giving away shares of @steembasicincome SBI

My Final Task for this Contest Entry (recommended)

I'm calling out these people to join in and tell their peeps too!

Please friends!

Either write your own entry for this contest
or let your people know they can do it
or both!

You all have wide reach. If each of you inspires one person to enter, the contest will be a big hit! It's going on for 12 weeks total at this stage of the effort, but you never know!

Thank you for supporting The Pay It Forward Curation Contest if you do.

Go here for the contest call:
Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 3 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty

@fitinfun before and after

fitinfun before and after sitting difference.jpg

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