My Entry to "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 3 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" - @thedarkhorse

This is my entry to: "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 3 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" - @thedarkhorse


I have found a few newbie steemians who have accomplished much - a higher reputation score than mine in shorter time - and wondered how to feature them in my entry ...

And then, I saw this:

Big Change #1 this week!

This week we are going to try something a little different. Want to change things up a little each week to hopefully keep the contest fresh and entertaining.
The 3 bloggers you curate Must Be Rank 50 or Lower! Your reputation score doesn't matter, everyone has the same rules this week.

So, hurray!!!


(Reputation: 46.9 Age: 32 days)


@julimattos is truly remarkable!

As she wrote in her blog:

To celebrate my Monthversaryon Steemit, I decided to write a post about the real reason why I joined...
I know what you may (or may not) be thinking – “Oh she joined for the money, of course.” Well, to be honest, that’s a motivation, but it’s not the primary reason, nor the secondary… Money is just a good differentiator when comparing Steemit to the other blog platforms out there.
She stated:

  • Explore My Hobbies
  • Inspire Other People
  • Train My Written English
  • Engage and Meet New People

Since the blog is short, I won't quote or talk too much about the content. What I am impressed with is her accomplishment in such a short time writing in English:

"I always liked to write, natively in Portuguese. When I was younger, I used to write poems and texts just for the fun of doing it."

In addition to that, she blogs three per week but still achieved more than those who blogs a lot more. This is a testament to how good her writing is.

Althought she does not need more exposure,

I am honored to feature @julimattos as the star steemian newbie

My next two entries are not newbies measured by calendar days, but, they seem to be not a freuent blogger but when they did, they created great contents.


(Reputation: 45.7 Age: 158 days)
Freedom Eng (Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia)


This blog is entirely in Chinese and is kind of like a poem although not written to rhyme as for a poem.
It is well written due to the subject matter is also deeply philosophical.

I started to want to volunteer to translate it for him but found the task daunting, to say the least as there are many words and phrases that are very difficult to translate to English and are difficult to just grasp the deep meaning in Chinese.

The other blogs are all very philosophical and about meaning of life and how to view and deal with life's challenges and blessings.

So, knowing that it will be difficult to judge this blog and the previous blogs and that @engzp is not quite a newbie by calendar days, I still think that:

@engzp deserved to be featured for those steemians who might be interested in his masterful work.


(Reputation: 49.7 Age: 260 days)


@mygoblin is not exactly a newbie by calendar days, but, I think that she deserves a spot here.

I enjoyed her blog on a "Chinese restaurant" so much that I asked if she would like me to translate it to Chinese for her.

The blog is quite interesting in that the story behind how the restaurant came about and why it was named ...

Not to ruined the surprise - you must go read it!

I am glad that the rules for this week opened the door for me to feature these great steemians! Thank you!

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